Benzene's Ring Structure- Kekule Dewar - Sagar Gupta


Sagar Gupta

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Tuesday, May 10

Benzene's Ring Structure- Kekule Dewar

  Benzene's Ring Structure

In 1865, August Kekulé presented a
paper at the Academie des Sciences
in Paris suggesting a cyclic structure
for benzene, the inspiration for which
he ascribed to a dream. However,
was Kekulé the fi rst to suggest that
benzene was cyclic? Some believe
not and credit an Austrian school-
teacher, Josef Loschmidt, with the
fi rst depiction of cyclic benzene
structures. In 1861, 4 years before
Kekulé’s ‘dream’, Loschmidt pub-
lished a book in which he repre-
sented benzene as a set of rings. It is
not certain whether Loschmidt or
Kekulé—or even a Scot named Archibald Couper—got it right first.

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