Assignment in English class 7 all solutions - Sagar Gupta


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Assignment in English class 7 all solutions

Assignment in English class 7 all solutions free

 ♦ Type - I : Comprehension Passages (Assignments – 1 to 12)  .................................................................................................... 3 – 5  ♦ Type - II : Comprehension Passages (Assignments – 1 to 12)  ................................................................................................... 5 – 8
Part - I : Writing  ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8 – 26  ♦ Integrated Exercise for Practice  ............................................................................................................................................. 8 – 18
 I. Notice Writing 8
 II. Letter Writing 9
 1. Letter 9
 2. E-mail 11
 III. Diary Entry 12
 IV. Story Writing 12
  V. Article Writing 13
 VI. Speech Writing 15
 VII. Debate Writing 16

 ♦ Assignments – 1 to 12  ........................................................................................................................................................... 18 – 26
Part - II : Grammar  ................................................................................................................................................................. 26 – 29
 ♦ Integrated Exercise for Practice  ........................................................................................................................................... 26 – 27
 ♦ Assignments – 1 to 13  ........................................................................................................................................................... 27 – 29
 ♦ Unit Assignments – 1 to 6  ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 – 36
 ♦ Assignments – 1 to 4  ............................................................................................................................................................. 37 –
SECTION - A: READING Type - I : Comprehension Passages

1. The peacock displays its beautiful train of feathers to attract several females. But as soon as any of them approaches, it turns its back.
2. Argus is a giant with 100 eyes in Greek mythology.
3. Peacock belongs to phasianidae family. The peacock and the peahen are together known as peafowl.
4. One species of peafowl is found in India and Sri Lanka and is blue in colour. The other species is found in South-East Asia which is green in colour.
5. Peacock is a native of Asia and the East India’s from where it has been brought to other parts of the world.
6. The peacock’s tail is made of beautiful feathers. It displays its tail by lifting it and bringing it forward.
7. Generally, a peacock has a train of up to 150 tail feathers. The feathers of peacock are erected by it in display to form a showy fan.
8. The hens of both the blue and green peacocks are green and brown.
1. The Egyptian writing was mainly used in temples and tombs.
2. Hieroglyphics were a sort of picture writing.
3. A picture of an arm represented a part of human body as well as its strength.
4. At times, the Egyptians combined pictures of two or three objects to represent a new idea.
5. The Egyptians had two symbols, one for sky and another for moon and they combined the two symbols to make a new one for night.
6. China
7. The Chinese combine the characters for hand and eye to get the character for look.
8. In the beginning the symbols the Chinese used were pictures. These pictures are called characters.
1. It is the age-old belief that papaya has much to contribute to the health cause.
2. Papaya favours digestion as well as cures skin irritation and sun burns.
3. Papain in raw papaya makes up for the deficiency of gastric juice and fights excess unhealthy mucus in the stomach, dyspepsia and irritation.
4. The ripe papaya if eaten regularly corrects habitual constipation, bleeding, piles and chronic diarrhoea.
5. When the juice of the papaya seeds used as a cosmetic, it removes freckles or brown spots due to exposure to sunlight and makes the skin smooth and delicate.
6. The black seeds of papaya are highly beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism, malnutrition, etc.
7. The fresh juice of raw papaya mixed with honey can be applied over inflamed tonsils, for diphtheria and other throat disorders.
8. The juice of papaya makes the skin smooth and delicate.
1. Thomas Alva Edison, born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio was an American scientist.
2. Edison worked in wide range of fields, including telecommunication, electric power, sound recording and cement technology.
3. Edison believed in self-improvement which persisted throughout his life.
4. Edison was sure that his electric bulb would replace candles, oil lamps and gas lights in homes and streets.
5. He wanted to give to the people a cheap, safe and efficient method of lighting.
6. Edison convinced people that his invention was better than gas lamps.
7. He employed 2,000 mechanics to produce bulbs, switches, dynamos, etc.
8. He promised house owners and factory owners that he would charge them for his services only if they were satisfied.
1. In the absence of oxygen we will die in a few minutes.
2. It makes up about one-fifth of the air.
3. (i) Oxygen combines with almost all other elements.
  (ii) In human body oxygen accounts for two-thirds of body weight.
4. When oxygen combines with other elements, new substances are formed which are called oxides.
5. The slow oxidation in living creatures is often called internal respiration.
6. In man, oxygen is breathed in through the lungs. From the lungs, it passes into the bloodstream and is carried to all parts of the body.


7. Plants give off oxygen as they make food, and this helps keep up the supply of oxygen.
8. The people with breathing problem are often placed in oxygen tents. Here, they breathe in air that is from 40 to 60 per cent oxygen.
1. It is a basic principle that hot air rises and cold air falls. So air filled in a balloon is hotter than the air present in atmosphere. This is the reason that a hot air balloon keeps flying.
2. The three major parts of a hot air balloon are: the burner, the basket and the envelope.
3. The basket is usually made of wicker. This ensures that it will be comfortable and add little extra weight.
4. The burner is positioned above the passenger’s heads and produces a huge flame to heat the air inside the envelope.
5. The pilot controls the up-and-down movements of the hot air balloon by regulating the heat in the envelope.
6. When the pilot is ready to land, the air in the balloon is allowed to cool and the balloon becomes heavier than air. This makes the balloon descend.
7. Before the balloon is launched, the pilot knows which way the wind is blowing.
8. This is because the air above the ground is sectioned into layers in which the direction of the wind may be different.
1. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) divides foods into three categories—yin, yang and neutral.
2. The ultimate goal of TCM food therapy is to maintain a healthy balance based on the effect food is perceived to have on the body.
3. Yin foods are cool or cold in nature and clear away heat and eliminate toxins.
4. Yang is the opposite of yin, and the foods in this category warm the interior and dispel cold to treat the symptoms linked with excess yin.
5. By balancing our diet, say TCM practitioners, we create harmony within the body, resulting in health and wellbeing.
6. The hot foods commonly consumed in winter are: soup and stew.
7. Bananas, clams, crab, grapefruit, lettuce, watercress, watermelon, apples, cucumber, pears, mango, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes.
8. Beef, beets, carrots, celery, corn, egg, potatoes, white sugar.
1. Sonepur fair in Bihar, India, has its origins during ancient times. This is where Chandragupta Maurya used to buy elephants and horses across the river Ganges from Patliputra, now Patna.
2. Sonepur Mela is held for 21 days in the month of November (from around 5th – 6th) at the junction of the rivers, Ganga and Gandak.
3. Ganga and Gandak.
4. The locals regard that a dip here at this confluence of the two rivers is equivalent to giving away of 100 cows.
5. The Sonepur Mela is Asia’s largest cattle fair.
6. During the British Raj, merchants from Afghanistan and Britain used to attend Sonepur Mela.
7. Many believe that Lord Ram established Harihar Nath Temple when he was on his way to Lanka.
8. (i) Sonepur fair is Asia’s largest cattle fair.
  (ii) It attracts much more people than that of attracted by any other fair.
1. There are over two thousand different kinds of bacteria.
2. Bacteria are found in our intestine in a great number.
3. There are a great many bacteria in the human intestine. As the bacteria eat, they break down foods. Thus they help to digest food.
4. Some bacteria, called nitrogen-fixing bacteria, live in the soil and help change nitrogen into substances that plants can use. Man depends on such plants for food.
5. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in the soil.
6. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria help to change nitrogen into substances that plants can use.
7. In industries bacteria are used in curing tobacco leaves, in tanning hides, in eating away the outer covering of coffee and cocoa seeds, and in separating certain fibres for the textile industry.
8. Fermentation process is the process by which some products like cheese and vinegar are made with the help of bacteria.
1. Moving from one place to another for some reasons is known as migration.
2. Getting employment is the main reason of migration.
3. Housing problems, health, climate and education.
4. Migrant agriculturists do unskilled jobs in the cities.
5. Those who seek white collar jobs.
6. ‘Depopulation of villages’ means reduction of population in villages.
7. The depopulation of villages is a matter of great concern because we have to find measures to counter it.
8. (i) Job opportunities should be made available in or near villages.
  (ii) The agriculturists should be provided with all basic facilities like house, school, hospitals, etc.
1. Burning in the nose, watery discharge, blocked nostrils, etc. are the symptoms of the common cold.
2. Because the common cold can turn into bronchitis, asthma or pneumonia. It is neglected in the early stages.
3. A nasal infection spreading sideways into the sinuses leading to sinusitis which has its own set of distressing symptoms.
4. One can increase the immunity against common cold by decongesting the nostrils.
5. Plenty of warm fluids help in detoxifying our system to help the body recover from the disease.
6. Nasal drops  can convert cold into a cough.
7. A nasal decongestant anti-allergy medication in a small dose at bedtime helps prevent a postnasal drip.
8. If postnasal drip not checked in time, it can be the major cause for a cold to become a cough.
1. Handmade paper is popular because it is eco-friendly.
2. Because very small quantities of chemicals are used in it.
3. Because of its unmatched texture.
4. Indians probably used paper made from cellulosic fibres during the third century A.D.
5. Leaves of palm trees.
6. Papyrus, a kind of paper made from a reed of the same name that grew on the banks of the River Nile, was used in Egypt.
7. The handmade paper industry which flourished in India during the Moghul period declined with the establishment of paper mills in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Type - II : Comprehension Passages
8. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi it was revived during the freedom movement.

I. 1. Grandfather got Toto from a tonga-driver. He brought it to home to add her to his private zoo.
2. Toto was a pretty monkey with sparkling eyes. Her teeth were a pearly white which she displayed in a smile. Her hands looked dried up. Her fingers were quick and wicked, and her tail added to her beauty. It served as a third hand which she could use to hang from a branch.
3. Grandmother always protested any addition to Grandfather’s zoo. So, when Toto was brought, her presence was kept a secret from Grandmother.
4. Toto was a mischievous monkey. She disfigured the walls, which had been covered with some ornamental paper. The walls stood out as naked as brick and plaster. The peg in the wall hand been wrenched from its socket and the narrator’s blazer was in shreds. But Grandfather did not worry. He was pleased with Toto’s activities.
II. 1. Shone
2. A choice food
3. Unfastened
4. Pulled
I. 1. Leonard James is a homeless man. For him, life is always hard.
  He is always hungry. His shoes have holes in them.
He needs a haircut. His clothes are old and dirty.
Section - A: ReAding
2. If Leonard had one hundred dollars, he would buy new socks, he would get a haircut, he would buy new pants and he would get a hamburger.
3. When Leonard looks down at the sidewalk, he finds that someone has lost his wallet. He picks it up and finds five bills of twenty dollars.
4. Leonard found a wallet containing one hundred dollars. He needed some dollars desperately. He could use the dollars for his use. But he returned the wallet with one hundred dollars to a police officer.
  It shows that he was an honest man.
II. 1. Makes a log deep sound
2. Worried
3. Hunger
4. Purchase
I. 1. When hungry and tired man thought to himself, “If I could get some delicious food how nice would be”. To his amazement he found a table laid in front of him with tasty food. When he wished for a bed, he also found a bed spread out for him to sleep.
2. He was sitting under a tree that fulfilled all wishes. It was ‘Kalpa Vriksha’ – a tree that is found in heaven.
3. When he woke up after a few hours, he found himself wrapped in darkness. Fear and loneliness seized his mind. He was frightened of wild animals of the forest. He thought to himself that if a lion came he would be killed by it.
4. When the mind thinks of peace and happiness, these are present in the mind. Similarly, if the mind thinks of unrest and unhappiness, these are also present in the mind. Thoughts are of great power. Thoughts make and unmake the man. Man is known by his thoughts.
II. 1. Decision
2. Tasty
3. Dissatisfaction  4. Destroy
I. 1. In order to write clrealy and logically, one should think clearly and logically. One should train oneself to do it by taking particular problems and following them through, point by point, to a solution, without leaving anything out and without avoiding any difficulties that one meets.
2. Thinking clearly and logically is not an easy job. You may find that your mind is not able to concentrate. But practice will improve your ability to think clearly and logically.
3. In order to increase one’s vocabulary and to improve one’s style, one should read widely and carefully. One should use a good dictionary to help one with the exact meanings and correct usage of words.
4. Regular and frequent practice is necessary if one wants to learn to write well. It is no good waiting until one has an inspiration before one writes. Even with the most famous writers, inspiration is rare. Writing is ninety-nine per cent hard work and one per cent inspiration, so the sooner one gets into the habit of disciplining oneself to write, the better.
II. 1. Improvement
2. Often
3. Gradual
4. Logical
I. 1. Randolph Farms makes very good ice cream. They have lots of different flavours. They make the best coffee ice cream in the world.
2. Goodies also makes excellent ice cream. Like Randolph Farms, Goodies uses all natural ingredients. They only make three different flavours—strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate but they make them very well. The strawberry is amazing.
3. The only drawback of Goodies ice cream is that they only make three different flavors.
4. Disco ice cream is okay. They don’t have many good flavors. Actually, the only Disco flavor the author like is Bubblegum. It is vanilla ice cream with little chunks of bubblegum in it.
II. 1. Decision
2. Superb
3. Extremely good
4. Cheap
I. 1. K. Subba Rao describes the lesson that he learnt as a judge. He learnt that one does not come across a perfect man in the ordinary run of life. Every man is good in part and bad in part.
2. A man is called good because his good qualities outnumber his bad qualities.
3. A man of good reputation may be of bad character and the other way around, for reputation may be built up by concealing (one’s feelings) or propaganda; but character is an integral part of man’s personality.
4. Gratitude lacks in human qualities, as he is in the competitive struggle of life. Today we can hardly expect gratitude from others.
II. 1. Something that produces a reaction in us
2. Hiding
3. Infused
4. Strength
I. 1. Before the 16th century, people who were deaf-mute (unable to hear or speak) were treated horribly, because they were regarded as idiots, incapable of intelligence.
2. Cardano was an Italian doctor. He got the idea of teaching deaf-mutes through written characters. These would be combinations of symbols that would be associated with objects.
3. In the 18th century, a Frenchman, Charles de l’Epee, created a language of signs. This was a system of using conventional gestures of the hands and arms in such a way that they represented the thought that was to be conveyed.
4. The teachers of deaf say that the sign language isolates deaf people by keeping them away from communicating with persons who have normal hearing.
II. 1. Asylum
2. Conventional
3. Separate
4. Communication
I. 1. Swami Vivekananda represented Hinduism at the parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893.
2. His vast knowledge of Eastern and Western culture as well as his deep spiritual insight, fervid eloquence, brilliant conversation, broad human sympathy, colourful personality, and handsome
figure made an irresistible appeal to the many types of Americans who came in contact with him.
3. In America Vivekananda’s mission was the interpretation of India’s spiritual culture, especially in its Vedantic setting.
4. He tried to enrich the religious consciousness of the Americans through the rational and humanistic teachings of the Vedanta philosophy. In America he became India’s spiritual ambassador and pleaded eloquently for better understanding between India and the New World in order to create a healthy synthesis of East and West, of religion and science.
II. 1. Insight
2. Eloquent
3. Cherish
4. Spoil
I. 1. The wise man and doctors told the ailing king that there was only one thing which would cure the king, and this was a medicine made from a certain fish.
2. The picture of the fish that the wise man drew was a strange one because when the youngest prince found the same fishes in the Red Sea, he gave them plenty of bread. To his amazement, the fishes said to each other “Let’s help this young man because he has been kind to us”.
3. The eldest prince went to the north and the second prince went to the west. They looked in all the rivers, and the eldest brother looked in the Black Sea and the second brother looked in the blue Mediterranean; but the strange fish was nowhere. They went sadly home without it.
4. The king’s youngest son, Ali was a clever boy because he understood the fact that no one would be ready to help him, if he does not help others. The fishes became ready to help Ali because he gave them loaves of bread.
II. 1. Extraordinary
2. Enemy
3. Young
4. A lot of
I. 1. For the first eight years of his reign, Ashoka waged near-constant war. He had inherited a sizable empire, but he expanded it to include most of the Indian subcontinent, as well as the area from the currentday borders of Iran and Afghanistan in the west to Bangladesh and the Burmese border in the east.
2. Ashoka attacked Kalinga in 265. The Mauryan emperor gathered the largest invasion force in Indian history to that point and launched his assault.
Section - A: ReAding
Kalinga fought back bravely, but in the end, Ashoka won the war.
3. Ashoka had led the invasion in person, and he went out into the capital city of the Kalingas the morning after his victory to survey the damage. He saw there ruined houses and bloodied corpses.
4. The carnage at Kalinga led Ashoka to devote himself to Buddhism. He vowed to practise ahimsa from that day onward.
II. 1. Peace
2. Assembled
3. Destroyed by stealing one’s property
4. Sicken
I. 1. Fig trees are referred to as stranglers because of the way they envelop other trees. Yet, the expression strangler is not quite accurate because the fig trees do not actually squeeze the trees on which they piggy back nor do they actually take any nutrients from the host tree.
2. The fig trees stifle the host tree’s growth as the fig tree’s roots meet and fuse together, forming rigid rings around the host’s trunk and restricting further growth of the supporting tree.
3. Birds are a major factor in the birth of new fig trees, ingesting the fruit and later dropping the seeds contained in them.
4. After the seeds of the fig trees germinate high in the canopy, their roots descend to form a menacing vice around the trees that support them. Eventually the host tree may begin to die, but it may take many years.
II. 1. Press
2. Decayed
3. Germination
4. Structure
 I. 1. These are the questions that fast food companies worry about:
Does hamburger still look delicious after it sat on your kitchen table under very bright lights for six or seven hours?
If someone took a picture or made a video of this hamburger after the seventh hour, would anyone want to eat it?
More importantly, do you think you could get millions of people to pay money for this hamburger?
rearranges the sesame seeds on the bun using glue and tweezers for maximum visual appeal.
  3. To shape a meat patty into a perfect circle, the food stylist cooks only the outside of the meat and leaves the inside part raw so that the meat remains moist. The food stylist then paints the outside of the meat patty with a mixture of oil, molasses, and brown   4. He selects one leaf of the crispest lettuce and one center slice of the reddest tomato and then sprays glycerin on them to keep them looking fresh.
 II. 1. Tasty
2. Prospective, would be
3. Soggy
4. Delicious
food coloring.
Part - I : Writing
  2. The food stylist is a person employed by the company to make sure the products look perfect and sorts through hundreds of buns until he or she finds one with no wrinkles. Next, the stylist carefully INTEGRATED EXERCISE FOR PRACTICE 3.
 I. Notice Writing
10th Aug., 20××
Participate in Tree Plantation Ceremony
The students of our school are hereby informed that on the eve of the Independence Day, our school has decided to organise a tree plantation ceremony in the school premises on 15th August, 20××. The participants of the ceremony are supposed to plant some saplings in some areas of the school. Besides they have to speak a few sentences on the importance of tree in our daily lives. So all students are requested to participate in the ceremony enthusiastically. For any query, please contact the undersigned.
Sweta Sharma
(Principal) 4.
20th Mar., 20××
Director of the School Visits the School
This is to inform the students and all other staff of our school that the Director of our school will visit the school on 24th March. So all of you are requested to come in proper dresses and maintain discipline in the school premises on that day. We should not give him any chance to complain about anything. Besides, maintain cleanliness in the office premises. Don’t throw waste papers or anything else here and there.
Ashish Sachdeva
20th Sept., 20××
Observe School Cleanliness Day
The students and other staff of our school are hereby informed that our school has decided to observe school cleanliness Day on 24th of every month to keep the surrounding of the school neat and clean. On this day all students and other staff are supposed to pick up wastes from inside as well as outside the school campus. They may have to even sweep the ground with broom. Maintaining cleanliness at school is our duty as cleanliness is next to godliness.
Rajesh Shrivastava
1st Nov., 20××
Zonal Hockey Finals on 5th November
Our school is going to play the Zonal Hockey Finals on 5th November, 20×× at Noida stadium, Sector-21. The hockey teams of three other reputed schools will also participate in the finals. First we will play semi final match. Our rival team would be the team of St. Teresa School, Ghaziabad. If our team wins the semi-finals, then we will play final match. So all students of our school are requested to be present on the above mentioned date to cheer up our hockey team.
Kapil Mishra
(Sports Captain)

II. Letter Writing
 1. Letter
1. F-10, Pashchim Vihar  New Delhi
  10th July, 20××
  Dear Akash
I hope this letter will find you in the best of health and spirits. How is going on your studies? Actually I have sent this letter to you to know whether my choice of my career after completing my studies is right or wrong. In fact I have decided to become a Professor of English Literature. I know it that I will have to work hard to fulfil my goal. I will have to devote too much time to English Literature right from now.
  My parents as well as teacher tell me that I am good at English Literature and hence I can become a professor of English Literature without facing much difficulties.
  What is your suggestion about it? Do you think I will be able to achieve my goal?
  I am awaiting your suggestion.
  Yours affectionately  Ranjan
2. K-30, Sector-144   Noida, U.P.
  20th Nov., 20××
  Dear Nisha
  Many thanks for inviting me to attend your birthday party on 21st November. But I am feeling extremely sorry to say that I will not be able to attend your birthday party because tonight we will leave for Chandigarh where my cousin brother’s marriage will take place tomorrow itself.
I hope your special day will bring you all that your heart desires!
  Have a wonderful birthday with your family, friends and all those whose company you enjoy. I am wishing you a very happy birthday to you. Further we will talk later.
  Yours affectionately
3. M-68, Vishal Enclave  New Delhi
  20th Jan., 20××
  Dear Christopher
I hope you are fit and fine. Today I received your letter in which you have expressed your willingness to know about some major Indian festivals. Thanks for it.
  Holi, Diwali and Dussehra are the major festivals celebrated with pomp and show across India. Holi is celebrated in the month of March. In this festival people prepare and eat varieties of food items. They apply colours and gulal on one another. Diwali is celebrated in the month of October or Novemner. In this festival, people clean all household things. They get their houses white washed. On this festival, Goddess Laxmi is worshipped and people exchange sweets with one another. Besides fire crackers are exploded also.
  Dussehra is the festival of ten days. People observe fast for eight days and on ninth day, they break their fast by serving food to some child girls. During these days Ramlila is performed at different places. People enjoy Dussehra fair also. On tenth day, the effigies of Ravana, Kumbhkarna and Meghnath are burnt. This is all about the major Indian festivals.
  Yours affectionately  Priyank
4. B-6, Bharat Vihar  Lucknow, U.P.
  18th September, 20××
  Dear Father
  We are fine here and always pray to God that He may always keep you fit and fine.
  Papa, I want to tell you that I need a laptop. Today it has become an essential part of a student. All my friends possess either a computer or a laptop as it helps them a lot. I have to face many difficulties due to the lack of a computer. When I have a computer, I will be able to learn a lot more. On computer connected with Internet one can get any information and solution to any task and thus one can enhance one’s knowledge on any topic or subject. In other words, we can say that a computer is such a teacher who has all information about the world and people.
  So keeping in mind its advantages, I request you to kindly deposit ` 30,000 in my account for this purpose.   I hope you will not turn down my request.
  Yours affectionately  Kiara
5. Sunrise Hostel
  Ajmer, Rajasthan
  5th July, 20××
  Dear Mom
I am very happy here with my friends and hope you and Nina are also fine. Mom I have written this letter to you to tell you that today a 10-year-old boy met with a car accident. Actually he was crossing the road and a car hit him. The car driver did not stop his car.
Unfortunately there was no one except me on the road at that time. The boy got seriously hurt. He was unable to even stand up and walk. So I immediately dialled no. 102 to call an ambulance. The ambulance reached the spot soon and took us to a hospital. Meanwhile I took the telephone number of his parents from the boy and informed them about this accident. His parents reached the hospital without much delay. The boy’s treatment was going on. The doctor told us that the boy had a serious injury, if he was not admitted to the hospital so hastily, anything could happen. His parents gave me their heartfelt thanks for saving his life. When I heard that the boy was getting well, I left for my hostel. Now I am feeling proud to do so.
  Yours affectionately
6. JK-12, Bhagwati Garden Extn.  Uttam Nagar, New Delhi
  8th May, 20××
  Dear Ankit
I am feeling very sad to know that your health has deteriorated. You often fall sick. This is only because of your negligence towards proper diet. Besides, nowadays you eat junk food a lot. You know it that having good health is must for doing hard work. If you don’t do hard work, you cannot achieve success in life.
  So I advise you to improve your health as soon as possible. Take your all meals at proper time. Take a balanced diet everyday. In the morning take some slices of bread with butter and a glass of milk for breakfast. Take at least four chapattis for lunch and dinner. Do eat fruits also. Above all, avoid eating junk food.
  I have heard that you wake up at about 8:00 a.m. This is not good habit. Rise by 6:00 a.m. and go for a morning walk everyday.
  I hope you will follow my advice and your health will improve soon.
  Yours affectionately  Rajan
7. D-18, Sector-36   Noida, U.P.
  16th October, 20××
  Mr. Ashok Agarwal   F-10, Sector-20   Noida, U.P.
  Subject:  Urgent maintenance of the house  Sir
I have been living in your house on rent for the last three years with my family on first floor. So
far no maintenance work has been done on the house. The plaster of the wall has peeled off from different places. The paint of the doors and windows has chipped off. When our relatives and friends come to us, they often ask me why I live in such a house. We feel embarrassed. Moreover, Diwali is approaching.
  So this is my humble request to you to get the house white washed and get the doors and windows painted before Diwali. This time if you do not pay heed to my request, I may have to look for another house which I don’t want.
  With regards
  Sanjay Khurana
 8. D-7, Karim Nagar  Lucknow, U.P.
  5th February, 20××
  The Superintendent of Police  Lucknow, U.P.  Delhi
  Subject:  Theft of a bike
  This is to inform you that three months ago my bike, Make – Hero, Model 20××, No.UP14 4216, was stolen from my home. I lodged an FIR (No.28/55LKN) in my area police station but so far I haven’t got any clue about my bike. Sir I am a carpenter and my income is not so much that I can buy another bike. There is no hospital and market near our village. We have to travel a long distance to reach there. On the other hand, our house is at a long distance from the main road and there is no means of transport from our house to the main road. So having a bike is must for every house in our area. Due to the lack of a bike we have to walk the long distance on foot which is tiresome and wastage of time.
  Therefore, I request you to do the needful to find my bike as soon as possible.
  Thank you
  Yours sincerely
  Sachin Sachdeva
 9. D-101, Gali No.6  Siddharth Vihar  Ghaziabad, U.P.  15th May, 20××
  The Editor  The Hindustan Times  Ghaziabad, U.P.
Subject:  Nuisance of stray animals
  Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the nuisance created by stray animals in our area, Siddharth Vihar, Ghaziabad. Bulls and cows may be found in herd anywhere. Sometimes they block our way. They create problems for travellers in different ways. They all of a sudden come in front of vehicles and sometimes cause accidents.
  They even enter the houses of residents if they find open doors. When they enter any house the family members especially children are panicked. Sometimes bulls start fighting with each other and people of the surrounding area get disturbed.
  So I request the concerned authorities to take some steps to get rid the residents of the nuisance created by stray animals in our area.
  Thank you
  Yours sincerely
  Hitesh Mathur
 10. The Principal
  RVS Public School
  Ganesh Nagar
  Ajmer, Rajasthan
  20th December, 20××
  Subject:  Request for special coaching classes in Maths and Science
  I am a student of Class-VII of your school. I have noticed that most of the students in my class are weak at Maths and Science. Most of the students get 5-6 marks out of 10 in Maths and Science in their homework. Even the teachers of Maths and Science often suggest them to have special coaching classes in these subjects. But due to the lack of time and good private coaching classes, students are not able to attend private coaching classes, though many students want to attend coaching classes.
  On the other hand annual exams are approaching. If our preparation is not good, we will not pass the exams in Maths and Science.
  Therefore, I request you to kindly arrange for special coaching classes in Maths and Science in school itself as we will get coaching classes by our highly qualified and efficient teachers.
  Thank you
  Yours sincerely  Kunal Gandhi
 2. E-mail
1. Date : 16th October, 20×× To :
From :
Subject : Attending function
Dear Nisha
I hope you are enjoying your life. I am also enjoying my life. Nisha I have written this mail to you to inform you that my parents’ 20th marriage anniversary falls on 23rd October, 20××, which will be celebrated with great pomp and show in a farm house located at M-5, Sector-11, Rohini. The function will start at 6:00 p.m. All our near and dear ones have been invited to attend the function. As you know you are my best friend and hence in the absence of you I will not be able to enjoy the function as much as I would with you. So I heartily extend an invitation to you to attend the function.
I will wait for you on that auspicious occasion.
Yours affectionately
2. Date : 18th March, 20×× To :
From :
Subject : Seeking an appointment
I have been feeling a mild pain in my chest for about 10 days. Though I have already consulted a doctor, yet the pain has not vanished so far. When my parents discussed it in my neighbourhood, most people have recommended to consult you. So through this e-mail I want to make an appointment to consult you on 20th March, 20××. Please confirm my appointment on the below-mentioned mobile number.
I am awaiting your response.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Varun Gupta
Mobile: 98××××××××
 III. Diary Entry
 1. Monday, 16th February, 20××  8:00 p.m.
  Dear Diary
  Today I am feeling very happy as I met my grandparents after three years in my native village. My grandparents are equally happy to meet me as well as my parents. My grandparents love me very much. They talk to me almost every day on phone. They even tell me moral stories on phone. I like to live with my grandparents in this village but my parents live in Delhi and they do not allow me to live with grandparents.
  When my grandparents came to know that we were to reach the village today, they made a number of phone calls to know where we reached. They had reached the railway station to receive us two hours earlier than the train reached. They brought delicious food also for us. Indeed, they love me very much. They always take care of me here. I reached here at 8:00 a.m. and now it is 9:00 p.m. Till now they have asked me many times whether I took  my breakfast, lunch and dinner or not. I never got such true love and affection ever. That’s why I want to live with them in village. May God give them a happy and long life.
 2. Saturday, 21st January, 20××  8:00 p.m.
  Dear Diary
  Today I have returned to my hometown, Patna after spending a fortnight in Delhi. I visited many historical buildings and structures in Delhi like the Red Fort, Lotus Temple, India Gate, Jantar Mantar, Akshardham Temple, Qutub Minar, etc. which enthralled me. I visited these places by DTC buses. On the road, I saw a large number of luxurious cars of different sizes. I was really impressed to see the picture of Delhi.
  But one day when one of my friends took me to the industrial area, Noida, I was moved to see the plight of some children. I saw hundreds of employees came out of their respective factories in which 10% of employees were between the age group of 14-17 years. Later I came to know that they have to carry heavy loads in their factories and their salary was also too low. Indeed this dark side of a metro city touched me. Why is child labour still going on in spite of ban on child labour? Who should be held responsible for it? Parents, industrialists or govt.? I think govt. should take some strict steps to stop child labour completely. Parents of such children should
be provided with financially support so that such children may also lead a normal life, not so difficult one.
 3. Wednesday, 15th January, 20××  8:30 p.m.
  Dear Diary
  I am feeling delighted to note down the experiences of my trekking tour to Manali on 10th January at 9:00 a.m. 40 students and 5 teachers from our school caught an AC bus which had been booked in advance by our school. On the way to Manali, we enjoyed a lot by playing antrakshri and seeing colourful fields from our bus windows. Our teachers also mingled with us in such a way that during that period it seemed that as if they were not our teachers but our friends. They made us laugh by telling interesting jokes. At around 6:00 p.m., our bus reached Manali. First of all we went to our hotel which was booked in advance and then freshened up ourselves. After having some rest, we left for the Solang Valley and enjoyed the scene of glaciers and snow-clad landscapes. Then we visited Hadimba Temple which is away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The temple is surrounded by towering deodar trees.
  Besides, we saw Rohtang Pass and enjoyed skiing.  Hitender
 IV. Story Writing
1. Ramesh Sold his House to Buy a Better One
  Once a man named Ramesh went to a city to earn his livelihood as his business was not going on smoothly. He was not able to even make two end meets of his family. Fortunately, he got a good job. After three years he even purchased a small plot of land in the city and later on built a house. Everything was going on smoothly. But one day he sold his house and planned to buy a new house in a better locality. After a few months, he went to buy a house in better locality but he found that the cost of that house was so high that he was not able to afford it. He had to live on rent for a year and had to face many difficulties. Then he realised that howsoever his house was but it was his own. He had to buy a house in similar locality where he lived earlier. But he became very happy to have his own house again.
  Moral: A bird in hand is worth two in bush.
2. Two Friends and a Bear
Kartik and Kamal were good friends of each other. They spent most of their time together. They even studied in the same school and same class.
One day they decided to go to a forest to enjoy the beauty of varieties of trees. While they were walking in the forest, they saw that a bear was coming towards them. At once Kartik climbed up a tree as he knew how to climb a tree but Kamal did not know how to climb a tree. He was in a dilemma. All of a sudden, it came to his mind that a bear doesn’t eat the flesh of a dead creature. So he lay on the ground holding his breathe pretending to be a dead person.
  The bear came to him and smelt his ear. He took Kamal to be a dead body. So he didn’t harm him and ran away. Kamal when saw that the bear ran away from there, he heaved a sigh of relief.
  Kartik also climbed down the tree and asked Kamal, “What did the bear tell you?” Kamal replied, “The bear told me that a person who left his friend in lurch cannot be anyone’s good friend.  A true friend must help his friend when need be”.
  Moral: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
 3. The Mouse and the Lion
  Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. A mouse saw it and he thought, “How interesting it would be if I go to the lion, king of the forest, and play on its body!” He did the same everyday. One day while the mouse was playing on the body of the lion, the lion woke up. He caught the mouse with his paw and told him, “How do you dare to move on my body? Haven’t you thought about the dire consequence, if you were caught doing so? Now I will crush you with my paw.” The mouse was sure that the lion would kill him. Nonetheless, he pledged the lion, “Me Lord, please forgive me. I will not repeat this mistake again. Moreover, if you leave me, one day I may be of your help.” The lion started laughing thunderously to listen to it. He said to the mouse, “One who cannot protect one’s own life, how can help me, the king of the jungle? By the way, you made me laughed, I am leaving you this time.”
  Unfortunately one day the lion was trapped in the net by a hunter. The lion was sure to be killed by the hunter. The hunter went to his home to bring a cart on which he wanted to take the lion to his house.
  Meanwhile, the mouse saw the lion trapped in the net. He soon called up his all friends and gnawed the net. The lion realised that his life was saved by the mouse only because he did not kill him.
  Moral: Do good, find good.
4. The Fox and the Crane
  The fox and the crane were good friends of each other. One day, the fox invited the crane to dinner. The crane reached the fox on time. The fox served him some soup in two wide flat plates. The soup spread throughout the plates. The fox licked the soup but the crane was not able to drink  it because of his long beak. He felt very sad over such behaviour of the fox and had to return empty stomach.
  One day the crane also invited the fox to dinner. The fox also reached the crane on time. The crane served very delicious kheer in two pitchers whose neck was very narrow. The fox’s mouth started watering to see the delicious kheer. The crane told him, “Let’s start to have our dinner”. The crane easily entered his beak the pitcher and ate all the kheer. But when the fox tried to enter his mouth the pitcher, his mouth could not enter it. Then he realised that the crane responded him in the same way in which he had treated him.
  Moral: Tit for Tat.
5. Brass also Looks Like Gold
  One day an strange lady came to Mrs. Sarita’s house with some glittering gold. She told her “Actually my husband has been suffering from cancer for the last five months. We have spent all our money, even we sold all our land but he has not become well so far, although after the completion of the medical course of six months, he will be well. But now our hands are empty. We don’t have any other source to get money. So I have brought some gold to you to sell at a very cheap rate. Today the rate of gold is ` 30,000 per 10 gram but I will give you at the rate of ` 15,000 per gram, as I am in urgent need of money”. Sarita is a rich woman. She thought it to be a very gainful deal. She bought all the 30 gram of gold from the strange lady for ` 45,000.
  In the evening when her husband returned home from his office, she told him about the gold. Her husband also became happy to see the glittering gold bought at a very cheap rate. The next day, her husband thought to get a necklace made for his wife from that gold. So they reached a jewellery shop for this purpose. When the jeweller saw the gold, he instantly told them, “It is not gold but it is brass. Where did you buy this brass from?” Then Mrs. Sarita and her husband realised that they were befooled by the lady.
  Moral: All that glitters is not gold.
 V. Article Writing
 1. Power of Press
  By Hiten Parikh
  In democratic countries like ours, press or newspapers play a significant role in smooth running of government. Our government is controlled by the public opinion which reach there through press. The government cannot go against the opinion of public. Public is the supreme power. Sooner or later the government will have to yield to public opinion.
  The newspaper publishes the crimes committed at different places also. As a result, the police become very active to put an end the crimes in their respective areas.
  In newspaper, we also read different types of motivating articles which motivate us to achieve something special. Moreover, newspapers update us with current news from across the world. Thus press is the very powerful means to maintain law and order and gaining varieties of information.
 2. Holidays and their Proper Uses
  By Rajesh Mishra
  Vacations are essential for students. However, students should not waste their holidays in sleeping, gossiping and other fruitless works. Holidays provide students with recreation, rest and delights. A vacation generally comes after numerous days of toil and hard work. Holidays remove the seriousness of study and examination from the tender minds of the students.  As a rule, students pass their time in visiting their friends, in reading stories and other light books, in visiting cinema, theatre and circus and also in visiting the places of their choice. Such activities enhance their spirit for fresh study. Some students who have earlier neglected their studies try to utilise holidays to make up arrears in their studies.
  Holidays provide leisure to average students. But the students who lag behind should devote a maximum part of holidays to study. They should do their school tasks as well as homework.
  Students who are sincere in their studies should engage themselves in developing their hobbies. They may play games, may collect rare photographs or may play on musical instruments. Girl students may attend dance and music classes in long vacations.
  The long vacation is a golden chance for the students to make up their study.
 3. The Problem of Price Rise
  By Amit Kumar
  The problem of rising prices is the most intricate in our country. Although it is affecting universally, yet it has rendered the life of the poor difficult to pull on.
  Prices of all commodities are rising at an alarming rate. We find that the price of every commodity rises after a few days.
  We have ample progress in the field of agriculture and industry but not in proportion to the growth of population. So the supply of required things is less than its demand. As a result, the purchasing power of a rupee is going down. In this way, rupee is being devalued.
Moreover, the population in our country is growing rapidly. Growing population surpasses the growth of production in the fields as well as in the industries. Again the problem of demand and supply arises. Supply being less than demand, prices take a trend of going high.
  In order to check the price rise, drastic efforts shall have to be made by all concerned — political parties, government, farmers, labourers, government employees, traders and the businessmen and the consumers. All must give up their narrow selfish ends. Some of the measures which if applied honestly will not only check the trend of rising prices but also bring them down are: Increasing of agricultural production, proper distribution of the commodities, safeguarding them in stores, paying taxes to the government without any evasion.
4. Mahatma Gandhi and his Relevance Today
  By Bharat Arora
  Truth and non-violence was the basic philosophy of Gandhi. He used these weapons against the British rule during freedom struggle and became a mass leader by making the struggle a mass movement. He often said that India lived in villages. He was indeed concerned about the downtrodden and poorest of the poor. His philosophy was that means are equally important along with the goals. Not only should our goals be just but means should also be just and moral. For means he advocated non-violent means. He did not believe in merely preaching but did what he said. He was a man of practice. He believed in decentralization of polity and economy. The power should move from downwardsto-upwards.
  We can see his relevance in the present context of prevailing conditions in India. What are the present conditions? In politics, violent means and other unfair means are employed to get power which is really threatening the democratic process. Our democracy is becoming weak. Caste and regional factors are dominating our political processes. Secular polity is at stake. According to Gandhi, religion and politics should not be separated. Religion should play a role in politics for moral ends and not for communal politics to secure vote banks. Politicians should be men of character and emphasise public morality. If public morality is practised, no politician will be corrupt and hence they can serve the people in a better way with integrity and commitment.
5. Growing Indiscipline among the Students
  By Rishi Kumar
There is no doubt in it that students of today are very much different from those of a generation ago. Indiscipline among students leads to a situation where the students don’t obey their teachers and take their own decisions. They often take law in their own hand, organize strikes and upset the peaceful life.
  Student life is a period of study and formation of character. It is this time when boys and girls should devote their time and energy in building up a sound body and sound mind. Therefore a student should always try to lead a disciplined life.
  Gaining as much knowledge as possible should be the sole aim of students life so that they may earn their living as well as understand the problems of the country. This aim can be achieved only when the students respect their teachers and concentrate on their studies. They should not indulge into the acts of indiscipline.
  The educational system of our country need to be overhauled and made to suit the need of the time and Indian conditions of life. It must cater to the need of the students. There is an urgent need for adequate provision for industrial, technical and vocational education.
 VI. Speech Writing
1. Qualities of a Good Teacher
  Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear friends!
I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Qualities of a Good Teacher’. Teacher can be found easily anywhere but it is difficult to find good teachers everywhere. Proficient teachers should possess some certain qualities.
  A teacher has to be knowledgeable in the area that he/ she is teaching. It is not essential that a person has to be an expert, but the most essential skills will be apt in getting the point across to be perceived by the audience. He/she should be patient. The students that are to be taught have different levels of knowledge and if a teacher is not patient, a lot of misunderstandings may arise, thus portraying the teacher’s flaws.
  He/she must show a good command of confidence. This does not mean that they should not admit when they are wrong. Confidence enables the student to learn in a more comfortable environment. Besides, qualified teachers are able to portray mentorship. They should be able to develop positive attitudes in their students. A good sense of humour of teacher helps relieve the tension between them and students. Teachers are required to have good presentation skills. A teacher should show a high degree of maturity and respect.
  A teacher must be a good planner. The arrangement of schedules and keeping to them allows teachers to give students extra time to conceptualize ideas if it is needed.
  Thank you
2. Haste Makes Waste
  Respected principal, teachers and my dear friends!
I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Haste Makes Waste’. Haste and rashness are almost negative and destructive. They break health, they wreck business. ‘Unreasonable haste is the direction road to error’. The way of haste is always full of pitfalls. A man in haste is, practically, a half blind person — often impulsive and headstrong. Such a person is often lose the race of life which can be won slowly an steadily. The old fable of the hare and the tortoise is just as good now, and just as true, as when it was first written. In haste, one fails to consider all the sides to the problem and thus a businessman can ill-afford to do.
  Haste also has bad impacts on health and peace of mind. It may be a symptom of nervousness or debility. An unbalanced personality almost always displays haste. Haste in itself.
  To be precise haste entails much wastage of time, money and energy. A man in haste almost feels exhausted and may, in his later year, complain of some sort of heart trouble. It is a contemptible vice. It leaves man more involved, fatigued and pent up.   Thank you
3. Influence of Television on Growing Children   Respected principal, teachers and my dear friends!
I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Influence of Television on Growing Children’. Television has a large influence on children’s attitudes, ideas and behaviour. Teens witness murders, rapes and aggravated assaults on TV which may contribute to the way children view violence. When children watch TV, they see other made up families, who deal with their problems in a different way from how anyone else would. Children assume that this is how there life should be.
  We should teach our children about the reality of TV because it can affect the way a child acts, thinks and feels about different issues such as violence, education/ morality and gender/racial stereotypes.
  They try to imitate the stunts displayed in the programmes as their mind is underdeveloped. As a result, they hurt themselves. They also imitate the dialogues and dressing style of actors/actresses. Sometimes, children start insisting on having the dress of the new fashion, as shown in movies. Besides, they spend their most important time in watching television instead of doing some formative activities. It promotes laziness also.
  Thank you
4. Outdoor Games are Essential for Children
  Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear friends!
I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Outdoor Games are Essential for Children’. We work in serious mood and play in light mood. So play and work are complementary to each other. Man cannot always be in serious mood. He sometimes requires relaxation. Outdoor games provide us with relaxation. We have to play outdoor games to recharge the battery of energy. The proverb goes ‘All work and no play make Jack a dull boy’.
  Outdoor games are the athletic or sporting games that involve physical activity which are played outside in the open. Generally, there is a spirit of healthy competition in outdoor games. Some examples include lawn-tennis, football, cricket, hockey, soccer, etc.
  Outdoor games have a great role to play in our life. Outdoor games such as football, swimming, soccer, golf, cricket, etc. are necessary for our physical fitness. Sporty spirit helps us tide over the pangs of life. Outdoor games played on national level foster national integration. They are the connecting bridges among the nations and lay the foundation of international understanding and universal brotherhood. Olympic Games enhance the national prestige of medal winning countries highly.
  Thank you
5. Health Awareness
  Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear friends!
I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Health Awareness’. Health awareness is important because health is a great boon to human life. Through health awareness, students are instructed to adapt the habit of good health and to improve the individual and public health of the country.
  Health awareness enables a person to remain physically fit and in proper health. Health awareness also makes us aware about our emotional and mental health. A healthy person fully enjoys life. He carries out his duties in a responsible manner. He is an asset to the family, the society and to the entire nation. He is always full of energy. He lives a long and happy life. A healthy peasant is happier than a monarch without health. Health awareness encourages a person to make healthy choices. They are instructed to avoid unhealthy habits. ‘A sound mind lives in a sound body’. In fact, a sickly student with all his talents and abilities lags behind in the race of life. Neglect of the laws of health is the cause of misery. An unhealthy man lives a miserable life. With all his riches, pomp and power he is the poorest of the poor. He can neither enjoy peace of mind nor sound sleep at night. The world has no charm for him.
  Through health awareness, students are encouraged to follow the rules for the preservation of health. Healthy habits should be formed in childhood and youth. We should be moderate in eating and drinking. We should get plenty of sleep and get up early in the morning. It is our duty to take regular physical exercise, and to have regular baths for keeping our bodies clean.   Thank you
 VII. Debate Writing
 1. Books are the Best Means of Knowledge  of the truth and Experience of Generations
  (For the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Rekha, stand before you to speak for the motion “Book are the best means of knowledge of the truth and experience of generation”. Today if we learn something about the early generations, it is only through books. In History, we read about different kings and their kingdom. In History, we read about the ancient times. If we had no books, we would not know anything about our past generations.
  Through books, we came to know that early men lived in caves and ate meat and fruits. They were good at hunting. Through books we came to know that Mughals reigned India for hundreds of years.
  Otherwise it would have been impossible to keep all records in any other form and we would have been deprived of gaining any knowledge about our early generation.
  Thank you
 2. Homework should be Banned
  (For the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Prerna, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘Homework should be Banned’. Student life does not mean doing only school work. Students should also have some time to devote to be physically active, to explore the environment through play and to do creative things like music and art and to play a part in the community.
It is also for them to build bonds with others especially family and friends, but homework often squeezes the time available for all these things.
 Homework produces large amount of pointless work for teachers as well. This leaves teacher tired and with little time to prepare more effective, inspiring lessons. Moreover, setting homework does little to develop good study skills. It is hard to check whether the homework students produce is really their own. So in my opinion, it would not be wrong if homework is completely banned.
  Thank you
  (Against the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Ketan, stand before you to speak against the motion ‘Homework should be Banned’. In my opinion, homework is a vital and valuable part of education. Students get limited hours in school. During these hours students need to study and they are taught several subjects. Thus, it is not possible to have a thorough study and practice of a lesson in school.
  Setting homework extends study beyond school hours, allowing a wider and deeper education. It also makes the best use of teachers, who can spend lesson time in teaching rather than just supervising individual work that could be done at home. Besides homework prepares students to work independently.
  Thank you
 3. Celebrities should not be Role Models
  (For the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Yash, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘Celebrities should not be Role Models’. Celebrities should not be role models because they are famous or have good talents. Copying the celebrity like wearing the same type of clothes, acting the way the celebrity acts and any other things cannot change the actual personality of a person. One should maintain one’s own identity. One should not imitate a person because he/she is famous. All celebrities not necessarily lead a good life. Some of them are greedy and rude. Some children spend a lot of time going on social media apps to know what the celebrity is doing. Therefore, they are not able to devote as much time to study as possible. Thus, their study suffers.
That’s all.
  Thank you
  (Against the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Saurabh, stand before you to speak against the motion ‘Celebrities should not be Role Models’. It is wrong to say that celebrities can leave any bad impact on their followers. Celebrities usually do good things because they want to be either famous or they are paid for it.
  They cannot do any such work that can degrade his value. They don’t have any major shortcoming as they know that their one shortcoming may cost them dear.
  Celebrities lead a happy and luxurious life. When we make them our role models, we also get inspired to achieve something special so that we can also lead a happy and cozy life. So having celebrities as our role models not bad.
  Thank you
 4. Schools should Ban Many Tests
  (For the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Karan, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘Schools should Ban Many Tests’. Tests create tension for students. Students are always under pressure to do good at their tests. They don’t get time to play games and do other creative activities. They have to give many tests in schools which keep them busy in studying. In my opinion only studying too much is not the means to achieve success in life. Students should also have some spare time to interact with their surroundings.
  After every three months they have to give some or the other test in their school.
  In my opinion, only two examinations — half-yearly and annual are sufficient as too much study can make students’ mind dull.
  Thank you
  (Against the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Priya, stand before you to speak against the motion ‘Schools should Ban Many Tests’. Tests are the means of maintaining the regularity of students’ hardwork towards study. Otherwise students may spend their precious time in fruitless work. They may spend most of their time in watching TV and gossiping with others. For giving tests, students study all the prescribed chapters thoroughly which enhances their knowledge. If continuous tests are banned, student will be negligent in their study. They study seriously only before the exams. It means they will study seriously only for two months in a year. So for students’ continuous seriousness towards their study, frequent tests are necessary.
  Thank you
5. Nature has a Remedy for All
  (For the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Saurabh, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘Nature has a Remedy for all’. Mother Nature has created a plethora of fruits, vegetables and plants that have over the centuries been used as medicines to cure many ailments without side effects, like use of amla can cure cough, diabetes, and hyper acidity. Peppermint leaves work as a food digestive medicine and pain killer.
  Sunlight cures many skin disorders like acne, eczema and fungal infections. It is difficult to name uses of all plants and other natural things. But nature has provided us with medicines to cure all diseases.
  Thank you
 6. School Students should Learn to Cook
  (For the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Hina, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘School Students should Learn to Cook’. Student life is not an easy life. Students may have to live away from their family for years for the sake of their study. They may have to live in a hostel. There if they don’t know how to cook, they will have to eat in restaurant which will result in overexpense of money as well as deterioration of health. Besides, sometimes students’ parents have to go somewhere else for a few days leaving their children at home so that their study do not suffer. In this case, if students know how to cook, their parents are free from any tension. On the other hand, if children do not know how to cook food, their parents avoid leaving them alone as they know that they will have to face many difficulties. So in my opinion, students above 12 years must know how to cook food.
That’s all.
  Thank you
  (Against the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Sneha, stand before you to speak against the motion ‘School Students should Learn to Cook’. In this emerging world where there are throat-cutting competitions, one who is good at study but lags behind others may have to meet with failure in one’s career. So students should devote their all time to study. If they have to eat in restaurant, it doesn’t matter. They should not spend their precious time in cooking.
  It is true that no student can study the whole day. But it is also true that apart from the study they should also participate in sports and games which are very essential for their proper physical and mental growth. If they involve in cooking work, they don’t have spare time to play sports and games and their physical and mental growth will retard.
  Thus, in my opinion, school students must not be involved in the cooking work.   Thank you
10th Jan., 20××
Lost Notes on English
This is to notify all students of our school that I, Amit, lost my notes on English written in a notebook whose front cover page is of red colour with a label somewhere in the school premises during lunch break. On the label my name, class, roll no., etc. are written. As we know, final exams are at hand, I urgently need the notes on English for thorough preparation. One who finds the notebook kindly return it to the undersigned. I will be very thankful to him/her.
Amit Singh Class VII-B
22nd Sept., 20××
Participate in Inter-house Science Quiz
The students of our school are hereby informed that an Inter-house Science Quiz will be organised at our school on 25th September, 20××. Those who want to participate in the quiz, please give their names latest by the 24th September, 20×× to the undersigned.
(Head Girl)
 3. A Cat and Mice
Once there were many mice in the houses of all in an area. They destroyed food, and gnawed clothes in each house. People were fed up with the mice. At last they bought a big cat and left it in their locality. The cat started killing mice everyday. After a few days, the number of mice in that locality decreased. The residents became happy and expected that soon they would get rid of the problems created by mice in their area.
  On the other side, mice were worried. They held a meeting. In the meeting, they decided to tie a bell around the cat’s neck so that when the cat would enter a house, the mice in the house would hear the ring of the bell and would be alert. It was indeed a nice idea. Every mouse came in good mood to have heard this idea. They thought that they would not become the prey to the cat any more. But the question arose who would tie the bell? Every mouse started looking the face of one another. Finally no mouse dared to tie the bell to the neck of the cat.
  Moral: Only having ideas cannot solve our problem.
22nd Oct., 20××
Participate in Integration Camp
This is to notify all students of classes VII & VIII of our school that our school is going to organise a two-day Integration Camp at Sawan Public School, Mehrauli on 28th October, 20××. In this camp, students are supposed to show their talent in art work, music, song and dance. Those students who want to participate in the competitions, please give their names to the undersigned latest by 25th October, 20××.
Sunil Malhotra
(Cultural Incharge)
2. Friday, 15th August, 20××  8:00 p.m.
  Dear Diary
  It is a matter of great pride for me that I got an opportunity to participate in the Independence Day celebration held at the Red Fort. There were several other students of my school with me. I along with my fellow students celebrated Independence Day with great pomp and show at the Red Fort.
  Our Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoisted the National Flag. He was accompanied by the cabinet ministers and VIPs. After he hoisted the flag, he addressed the nation and took a pledge to do the needful. National anthem was sung before his speech.
A large number of people had gathered there to witness the historic function. It was really a grand opportunity for me. I would like to visit the Red Fort on the occasion of every Independence Day.
3. Motivate the Diabled
  By Aryan Garg
A great number of children are born normal in every respect. In spite of that there is a considerable number of handicapped children in every state and society. Those who are blind, polio victims or mentally retarded fall in the category of handicapped. Some people become permanently disabled as a result of accidents at farms, factories or on the road. Such people are termed nowadays as differently abled persons. These people are in no way less important than others. They should not be looked down upon or neglected. Instead, they should be given the type of help they need. Vocational training would be beneficial for them. This would enable them to earn their living independently. Some welfare associations and the government are doing a lot for them. They should be provided accommodation at cheaper rates. They should be given scholarships during school days. They also need community support through out their lives.
10th Jan., 20××
Participate in the Fete
This is to notify all students of our school that our school is going to organise a fete in our school premises to collect funds for charity on 18th January, 20××. Our school students are requested to help the school by putting up stalls to collect funds. The students who want to participate in the fete are required to buy stalls. In order to participate in the fete and buy stalls, please contact the undersigned.
Rekha Sharma
(Head Girl)
2. Date : 10th July, 20×× To :
From :
Subject : Unsatisfactory report
Dear Sahib
Your progress report card is in my hand. It is really shocking for the entire family that you have got such poor marks in almost all the subjects. The report also mentions that you do not attend your classes  regularly. Then what do you do during the school period? I am very upset and so are Papa and Mummy. They are pained to learn all this about you. You should not waste time in such a way, my dear brother. You are away from us for studies.
You should keep this point in your mind and excel in academic performance. Mend your ways before it is too late. Devote time to studies and be regular. We don’t expect the same performance in the final examination. Be sincere and achieve the best. With best wishes.
Yours affectionately
 3. Life in City is a Boon
  (For the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  City life has numerous attractions and advantages. City people enjoy the facilities of trade, employment, education, advanced medical aid and recreation. There are different modes of transport and communication. There are malls, hotels, clubs, parks etc. One can see a great number of cars of different models running on the road. The road in cities is wide and metalled. There are greeneries on both sides of the road. A wellmaintained traffic system is also seen in cities. There is electricity for twenty-four hours. High-standard schools and colleges are there in cities for the benefit of the students. The life of the city people is hectic and hasty no doubt but that does not mean that they do not enjoy life. They enjoy life in the weekends or during holidays by visiting malls or hotels or cinema-halls. Thus, city life is full of glamour. Those who are born in big cities or those who shift to big cities for better education and employment are really fortunate. They can avail all facilities available in big cities for their betterment.   That’s all.
  Thank you
10th Aug., 20××
Attend Career Counselling Session
Our school is going to organise a career counselling session for VI and VII standard students of our school on 17th August, 20××, in the school assembly hall for free. The students of Class VI & VII, who want to attend the counselling session, give their names to the undersigned latest by the 16th August, 20××.
Sumit Verma
(Head Boy)
 2. E-10, Gali No.11  Siddharth Vihar  Ghaziabad, U.P.  18th June, 20××
  The Editor
  The National Herald  New Delhi
  Subject:  Water Scarcity in our locality
  Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of Ghaziabad Jal Board towards the water scarcity in Sidddharth Vihar, Ghaziabad. Water is not supplied regularly in our area. The resident of our locality have to wander here and there everyday in the morning to look for in which area water is coming. When they find water tape with running water, they also find a crowd of people waiting for their turn. Water is supplied only in some areas of our locality that too only for one hour in the morning.
  Many families have submersible and water pump to pull out water from deep ground but many other families have neither submersible nor water pump. They have to suffer the most. Though they are not able to make two ends meet, they have to buy drinking water. They have to carry water from a long distance by pulling it out of a hand pump.
  So I request the Ghaziabad Jal Board to kindly take some measures to solve water problems in our locality.
  Thank you
  Yours sincerely
Reema Sarkar
 3. Universal Love and Brotherhood
  Good morning respected principal, teachers and dear friends!
  Today I, Saurabh, am going to deliver a speech on the importance of ‘Universal Love and Brotherhood’. It is the most effective way to bind people of different cultures together. In the present context its importance increased manifold because the countries of the world have become prey to many evils. Walls of hatred are standing between man and man. There are jealousies and rivalries everywhere. When our society has been defiled in such way, the only way to make it pure is to spread the message of love and brotherhood. And everyone should come forward in discharging this sacred duty. We should make all efforts to arouse sensitivity, compassion, tolerance and foreberance in hearts of the people. One should be pained to see other's pathos. It is very unfortunate that terrorism is still prevalent in a large part of the world. Our collective efforts in spreading love and brotherhood will definitely do miracles. Hence, we should not move away from this and try to do what is needed in this direction.
  We can do this job in the following ways–   (i) We should rise above caste, colour and nationality.   (ii) We should honour all religions.
(iii) We should send missionaries to preach the gospel of love and truth.
(iv) We should exchange literature.
  Thank you ASSIGNMENT – 5
8th Nov., 20××
Cultural Programme to Raise Funds
This is to inform the students of our school that our school is going to organise a cultural programme on 15th November, 20×× at Noida Stadium, Sector-21, Noida to raise funds for the victims of Orissa Super Cycolne. Those students who want to participate in the programme, please give their names to the undersigned latest by the 12th November. They need to rehearsal for the programme on 13th & 14th November in the school recreation room.
Komal Mathur
(Cultural Secretary)
8th Mar., 20××
Inter-School Basketball Match
The students of our school are hereby informed that our school is going to participate in the interschool basketball match at the school playground of Sunrise Public School, Kalimpong. Our school will play the match with Sunrise Public School on 12th March.
So all students are requested to be present at Sunrise Public School on 12th March from 9:00 a.m. onwards to cheer up our basket ball team. For more details, please contact the undersigned.
(Cultural Secretary)
 3. The Stag and his Beautiful Horns
  While drinking water at a pool a stag saw his reflection in it. He became happy to see his beautiful horns. He began to admire them. But as soon as he saw his legs he became sad. He found them ugly. Therefore, he hated them. Suddenly the stag  heard the bark of the hounds. He got panicked. He began to run to save his life. But the horns got stuck in the bushes. He could not run any further and was killed by the hounds. Thus, his beautiful horns became the cause of his death.
  Moral: All that glitters is not gold.
10th Jul., 20××
Found a Book on English
The students of Class VII are hereby informed that I, Jyoti yesterday found a book on English for class VII lying in  the school premises. The rightful owner of the book may collect his/her book by giving some clues about the book.
Jyoti Sagar
Class VII-B
2. Conservation of Environment
  By Rakesh Sharma
  Environment is an essential component of life. There is an intricate relationship between the two. We have to face a number of difficulties due to the hostile environment. We are already facing the threat of global warming. If we do not check pollution level, the days are not far away when we will have no safe place to live on the earth. Due to global warming, the frozen water of some seas and oceans will melt and there will be floods of water everywhere on the earth.
  Good or bad environment depends upon us. We have damaged the environment a lot by cutting trees, polluting rivers, establishing so many industries, etc. We have damaged ozone layer.
  So we should not be self-centred and harm others for the sake of our own greed. We should avoid doing anything which can harm our environment. Instead, we should make our all efforts to conserve environment. We should use carpool or public vehicles at least twice a week to travel instead of using our own vehicles.
 3. Refer to Q.No.2 of Assignment-3.
1st Oct., 20××
Invitation for Articles, Sketches, etc.
As we know that our school publishes the magazine ‘Update Yourself’ every month. So all of you are hereby requested to give your articles, sketches, etc to be published in our school magazine by 20th October to the undersigned. Your article or sketch must be meaningful, coherent and effective.
Ravinder Jain
(Editor — Update Yourself Magazine)
2. 10, Krishna Nagar
  Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
  15th October, 20××
  My dear Shekhar
  I am well here and hope for the same from you. You will be eager to know about my new school and classmates. Therefore, I decided to write to you about them in detail.
  My new school is quite different from the previous one. The school building is very impressive. It has a very large playground. As far as teachers are concerned, all
of them are highly qualified. Their method of teaching is very appealing. I get engrossed in their teaching. The classmates are very cooperative. They are ready to help each other. I have made several new friends. But I miss my old companions a great deal. I miss you too. When will you come here? Do write back soon.
  Yours affectionately  Sachin
3. Rising prices can be controlled  only by the government
  (For the Motion)
  Good morning honourable judges, respected  principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Navya, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘Rising prices can be controlled only by the government’. It is the responsibility of the government to bring down the prices of the essential commodities. Only our government can punish black-marketeers, hoarders and profiteers. It can step up family planning programmes to check overpopulation. It can open more fair price shop in different localities. The government should direct shopkeepers to display the stock of essential commodities along with their prices. It should punish the people who buy things in the black market. Only government has power to completely root out evils of corruption, bribery, smuggling and illegal gratification. That’s all.
  Thank you
  (Against the Motion)
  Good morning honourable judges, respected  principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Sweta, stand before you to speak against the motion ‘Rising prices can be controlled only by the government’. I think we should not hold only our government responsible for rising prices and only government cannot control rising prices. We should also play a role to control price hike. Blackmarketing and hoarding cannot come to an end unless we public give up the greed to earn more profit. Capitalists and wholesalers hoard the seasonal produces and create scarcity in the market. As a result, the prices of even seasonal products go high. The government makes all efforts to find out such persons but they are so cunning that their act of hoarding does not come in light.
  Moreover, our government is attempting to know the actual income of each person by linking Aadhar No. to all important sources like our A/c No., mobile no., PAN, etc. to detect our income and get taxes but still crafty people adopt unfair means to hide their actual income and do not pay taxes.
  So unless we people give up hoarding and pay taxes honestly, our government would be unable to check price rise.
Thank you

5th Mar., 20××
Lost a Bus-Pass
I, Ayushi, of class VII-A, yesterday lost my buspass in the Activities Room during the rehearsals of the school play. On the bus-pass my name and age is written. Anyone who finds it, kindly give me as soon as possible as I have to waste money in buying bus tickets to commute school. The finder will be given a treat in the canteen.
Ayushi Rathi Class VII-A
18th Apr., 20××
Attend the Lecture of Professor P.C. Seth
This is to notify all students of our school that on 20th April, 20××, the renowned professor P.C. Seth will deliver his speech on ‘Tax Reforms — The Need of the Hour’ in the school Assembly Hall. It is essential for all of us to have good knowledge about it.
So all students are requested to attend the lecture of Professor P.C. Seth and enhance their knowledge. For further information please contact the undersigned.
Abhay Deol
(Secretary, Commerce Association)
 3. The Young Man Marries a Cat
  Once a young man tamed a cat. With the passage of time, the young man made her his companion. Gradually he became so fond of his cat that one day he said to her that if she were a woman, he would marry her. The Goddess Venus heard the young man’s statement and she changed the cat into a beautiful woman. The young man’s joy knew no bound. He soon married her.
  One day the young man’s wife heard the sound of a mouse. She sprang and caught the mouse and then killed it. The Goddess Venus got angry to see it. She
riting grAmmAr
again changed the woman into a cat. The young man lost his wife. He realised his mistake to marry a cat.
  Moral: One can change one’s look, but one cannot  change one’s nature easily.
10th Feb., 20××
Participate in Inter-school Debate Competition
The students of our school are hereby informed that an Inter-school Debate Competition is going to be organised by Mother Teresa Public School, Kolkata on 15th February, 20×× from 11:00 a.m. onwards. Four schools will participate in the competition. Two students can participate from each school including ours. The topic of the debate is ‘Environmental Degradation is a Global Concern’. The interested students give their name to the undersigned by 13th February.
Ranjan Gupta
(Social Secretary)
 2. Life in a Crowded City
  By Mukesh Jha
  A new trend is being noticed nowadays that people living in villages or small towns are steadily migrating to cities in search of better prospects. As a result, big cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, etc. are becoming overcrowded. These cities, no doubt, provide all the facilities of life, but they are not a healthy place  to live in. There is a lot of pollution in big cities. Air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution have made the city a hell. The number of vehicles are increasing day by day. Needless to say that they emit a lot of smoke which pollutes the whole environment. We can find a great number of factories in big cities. These factories give out carbon in the air. The people living in cities are bound to breathe in this polluted air.
  City people are generally self-centred. They lack touch with others. It is because they don’t have time to pass it leisurely.
  But no one can deny the fact that cities provide us with ample advanced hospitals and educational institutions. There are hospitals, dispensaries which provide medical treatment at affordable rates. There are also facilities of recreation. We can go to parks to enjoy the beauty of nature.
Mother’s Day
  Good morning respected principal, teacher and my dear friends!
  I, Yash, am going to speak a few words on
‘Mother’s Day’. Mother’s Day is the most valued day in everybody’s life. This day is celebrated globally on the second Sunday of May every year. The day reminds us the role of a mother in the life of a child. It is she who takes the maximum pains in shaping her child. She wishes to make her child the most adorable one in the society. And for that, she leaves no stone unturned. She can sacrifice everything for the sake of her child. Perhaps, therefore, she is given the most honourable place everywhere on the earth. Her selfless work for her child is really praiseworthy. The whole world salutes her with utmost regard.
  Thank you ASSIGNMENT – 10
8th Mar., 20××
Lost a Calculator
Saurabh Shukla, a student of Class XII, has lost his calculator somewhere in the school premises. The colour of the calculator is black. It is of Casio company on which written MJ-12D and 12 Digits on top. One who finds it, kindly return it to him as he is facing problems in solving some mathematical problems due to the lack of it.
Rehan Shah
(Head Boy)
2. C-110, Sector-144   Noida, U.P.
  12th March, 20××
  Dear Vipin
  I hope this letter will find you in the best of spirits and health. I have written this letter to you to inform you that on 16th March, I with some of my classmates, am going for a picnic to the Surajkund, Faridabad near Haryana-Delhi border.
Apart from the picnic, we will visit Surajkund Mela in which we will enjoy watching varieties of arts & crafts, music & dance, ethnic cuisines, etc. But you know that in the absence of you, I will not be able to enjoy the picnic and mela as much as I will do with you. So I request you to please accompany me in picnic and mela and add to our joy.
  I am sure you will not turn down my request.
  Yours friend  Yash
3. ‘Brain drain is not a bane  for a developing country like India
  (For the Motion)
  Good morning honourable judges, respected  principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Senha, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘‘Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India’. It is very difficult for our country to tackle the problem of unemployment. A large number of educated youth in our country are either partially or completely unemployed due to the lack of jobs in India. Providing employment to its people is the responsibility of our government. Our government also wants to provide employment to all people but it is unable to do so because of lack of jobs.
  So, the talented students after gaining higher education migrate to other countries and earn a hefty amount. They send money to their relatives living in their country and thus adding the income of their country. So in my opinion brain drain is not a bane for a developing country instead it is a boon for her.
That’s all.
  Thank you
  (Against the Motion)
  Good morning honourable judges, respected  principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Maria, stand before you to speak against the motion ‘‘Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India’. A large number of highly skilled doctors, engineers, scientists, etc. go abroad to get a good job but our country loses its skilled workforce. Indeed it is a bane for our country that students gain their knowledge in India and apply their knowledge in abroad. If our country wants to become a developed country, it must hold back its talented youth. It should provide good work opportunities to talented and skilled workers. Our country needs a large number of doctors and engineers. They can contribute a lot to the progress of our nation. That’s all.
Thank you
25th Jan., 20××
Lost Titan Wrist Watch
I, Rani, yesterday lost my Titan wrist watch somewhee in the school premises. The watch has golden dial and black leather strap. One who finds it, please return me. The finder will be rewarded suitably.
Class VII-B
2. Date : 26th April, 20×× To : From :
Subject : Invitation to treat
Dear Ankit
I am fit and fine and hope you are also sailing in the same boat. I am feeling immensely happy to inform you that I have scored 96% in the final exams of class VII. So I am going to give a treat to all of my friends on 29th April, 20××, and you are warmly invited to attend the treat at all costs as your presence will add to our joy. Actually, I will give the treat in McDonald at TDI Mall, Rajouri Garden at 6:00 p.m. But first we will get together at my homes, Tilak Nagar from where we will take metro to reach there. Reach my home by 4:00 p.m.
I hope you will not turn down my request to attend the treat.
Yours truly
Ashish Ahuja
3. Utility of a Bicycle
  Good morning respected principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  Today I am standing in front of you to speak on the value of riding bicycle. First of all I would like to say that a bicycle does not require any fuel to run on. Thus it saves our money. Secondly it does not release any smoke and does not create pollution in environment. Thirdly, riding a bicycle is a good physical exercise. It keeps us physically as well as mentally fit and fine.
  In order to live a happy life we need money, good health and good environment. So we must ride bicycle if not everyday then on alternative days.
  So let’s pledge to ride bicycle and reduce pollution, save energy and be healthy   Thank you ASSIGNMENT – 12
Lost a Leather Wallet
I, Pranav, lost my leather wallet that contains ` 200 and some important documents while travelling by bus from Banshankari to MG Road in Bangalore on 25th April, 20××. Actually, the documents contained in the wallet are very important. The wallet is of Woodland company and its colour is brown. One who finds it, please return it to me at the earliest. A suitable reward will be given to the finder.
Pranav Thakur
12, Gandhi Road, Bangalore
Mobile Nos. 98××××××××, 99××××××××
 2. Tuesday, 7th November, 20××  8:00 p.m.
  Dear Diary
  Today I am extremely happy to celebrate Diwali without burning any crackers. The other reason for my being happy is that all my friends also followed me. They also didn’t burn any crackers.
  Thus, we have contributed to protecting environment. In my opinion, the system of burning fire-crackers on Diwali should be completely done away with. The government should completely ban the sale and burning of fire-crackers on the occasion of this auspicious festival as it creates a lot of air and noise pollution. We can enjoy this festival eating varieties of sweets, dried fruits and playing games.
  People should think that by burning crackers whom do they harm? They harm themselves. They invite fatal diseases to their homes. In spite of knowing its adverse impacts on their health, why do people do so? The people who burn crackers, invite deadly diseases not only for themselves but also for others. So such people have no right to ruin others’ life.
Anuj Sinha
Sapphire Public School are going to leave our company as our school educates
  Ayanavaram, Chennai from Class I to Class VII. There will be around 100 people including the principal, teachers and other staff.
  15th September, 20××
  We have decided to celebrate this party on your lawns,   The Managing Director if we find the cost of catering per head, sevice charges,   New Delhi Woodlands Hotel etc. reasonable.
  Chennai So kindly mail your response at
  Subject:  Enquiry about the costs of farewell party Thank you
Yours sincerely
  We are going to organise a farewell party on 20th   Saurabh Goel September, 20×× for the VII standard students who   (Head Boy)
Part - II : Grammar
 1. (a) is (b) is
  (c) know (d) are
  (e) waits (f) goes
  (g) were (h) was
  (i) are (j) have
  (k) is (l) wins
 2. (a) is covered (b) sank; was rescued
  (c) was cleaned (d) was taught
  (e) was full (f) was set up
(g) I had applied; was selected
(h) are requested
3. (a) The fish has been cooked for you by my younger daughter.
(b) A loud explosion was heard by the people near the police station.
(c) The blackboard will be cleaned by the last person to leave the room.
(d) Sweets are being distributed among the students by the teacher.
(e) The class was not attended by some students.
(f) I will be taken care of by my mother.
(g) By whom was the Panchtantra written.
(h) A new pen has been given to me by Sudhanshu.
(i) An e-mail was sent by Surabhi to her friend.
(j) The hair was being cut by the man.
(k) I am taught English by your brother.
(l) Manu was slapped by Arpit.
(m) The entire area was flooded by a heavy rain.
(n) The door has been painted by Abdul.  (o) An e-mail was being sent by Shahid.
4. (a) I had a chance to travel in an aeroplane.
(b) He asked me if I could lend him one thousand rupees.
(c) I am not afraid to speak the truth. (d) The tortoise was slow but steady.  (e) The girl who is wearing a pink dress is my cousin.
(f) Raman said that he had seen a big crowd on the road.
(g) Billiards is not a very popular game.
(h) I have seen it before.
(i) The sparrows were being fed by Roshan.  (j) Ravi was awarded with a trophy.  (k) to be (incomplete verb/complement)  (l) My father gave me only a new pen.
(m) My neighbour has ample wealth but he does not boast.
(n) My father is learned in Hindi.
(o) He asked if Kanchan was his sister.
(p) He said that the earth is round.
(q) My friend had been helped by me.
(r) The students were punished for arriving late.
5. (a) The villagers of our country are poor.
(b) He does not forget to bring his umbrella.
(c) Tanay will not be successful.
(d) My mother rises in the early morning, doesn’t she?
(e) Mr. Sharma sold his flat to pay his debts.
(f) I saw a big elephant coming in my direction.
(g) He likes playing badminton.
(h) You will not recover unless you walk regularly.
(i) A child is run over by a car.
(j) Sonal told me a story, didn’t he?
(k) There isn’t any tea in the cup.
(l) I have been living here for many years.
(m) The guests had gone before I reached home.
(n) Cows do not eat grass.
6. (a) I couldn’t attend the prize distribution function as I had gone to Bangalore.
(b) I was reading a novel when Smita rang up.
(c) The question is being answered by the boy.
(d) I asked Amit why he was so late.
(e) Does my grandfather live at his native place?
 10. (A) (a) (iv) some (b) (ii) every
  (c) (iii) Most (d) (ii) Most
  (e) (i) the (f) (iv) much
  (B) (a) (i) a few (b) (ii) a little
  (c) (ii) Both (d) (ii) some
  (e) (i) each (f) (i) many
  (g) (iii) The (h) (i) any
  (C) (a) Some (b) many
  (c) every (d) one
  (e) the (f) the
7. (a) (iv) leaves (b) (ii) coming
  (c) (iii) would (d) (i) Have
  (e) (iii) written (f) (ii) travel
  (g) (ii) telling (h) (ii) covered
8. (A) (a) (iii) What shall I bring for you
(b) (iv) I’ll waste my time
(c) (iv) will play it only
  (B) (a) (i) Could I speak to
(b) (ii) will she be back
(c) (ii) Can I take a message fro her
  (C) (a) (iii) have not prepared well for the
(b) (ii) Can you tell me the
(c) (_) will give you tuition in these chapters.
  (D) (a) (iii) How did you like
(b) (iv) Who won it
(c) (i) I wish I were there
(d) (ii) would have been happier
  (E) (a) (i) May (b) (iii) will    (c) (ii) can (d) (ii) should
9. (a) You are taller than me.
(b) The scenery here is very beautiful.
(c) We should help the poor.
(d) Unless you walk fast, you will not catch the train.
(e) He said, “I am reading a story”.
(f) I don’t care about this.
(g) He has no house to live in.
(h) Many people die of cancer.
 11. (a) Shanta said that Amit had worked sincerely.
(b) She said that they had come to this place a few weeks before.
(c) Sonali asked me what she could do for me.
(d) The teacher asked the students if they had revised their lesson.
(e) The priest prayed that God might bless me.
(f) Rubi said that she had seen the Taj Mahal.
(g) He asked me what I was doing.
(h) The old man requested me to hold his hand.
 1. (a) that (b) of
  (c) can (d) in
  (e) at (f) and
 2. (a) from ... of (b) obtain ... obtained
  (c) seep ... seeps (d) on ... in
  (e) dry ... dried (f) an ... a
  (g) is ... are (h) knowing ... known
 3. (a) It was first grown in Africa about 5,000 years ago.
(b) Some researchers say that it was grown in India at the same time.
(c) It was used by the travellers when they travelled across a desert.
 1. (a) was (b) om
  (c) the (d) many
  (e) himself (f) were prepared
 2. (a) to (b) to
  (c) if (d) do
  (e) because (f) have
  (g) the (h) be
 3. (a) Discipline is a way which follows the order.
(b) No nation can be great unless its people are disciplined.
(c) Discipline in life leads to success.
 1. (a) that has (b) of
  (c) of (d) from
  (e) has become (f) to
 2. (a) play ... plays (b) to ... of
  (c) an ... the (d) find ... found
  (e) was ... is (f) from ... by
  (g) at ... to (h) should ... would
 3. (a) My friend’s bitch had given birth to six puppies.
(b) Today America is regarded as the most affluent and powerful country of the world.
(c) It is a matter of common experience that ice floats on water.
 1. (a) in (b) for
  (c) are (d) that
  (e) that (f) and
 2. (a) whose ... which (b) kept ... keep
  (c) tolerate ... tolerant (d) he ... she
  (e) lines ... line (f) knew ... known
(g) few ... little (h) for ... to
 1. (a) which (b) is
  (c) the (d) have
  (e) among (f) in
 2. (a) of (b) to
  (c) their (d) is
  (e) can (f) have
  (g) which (h) that
 1. (a) called (b) and
  (c) into (d) many
  (e) flowing (f) gets
 2. (a) had ... have (b) to ... of
  (c) play ... playing (d) get ... got
  (e) which ... when (f) to ... into
  (g) spoil ... spoiling (h) to ... in
 1. (a) The (b) has
(c) to (d) in
(e) from (f) with
(a) Most of the people living in villages are illiterate.
(b) They suffer from many social evils.
(c) Students can do a great deal to improve the lot of the villagers.
 3. (a) she was very busy that day.
(b) her brother was coming
(c) what special dishes she was preparing for him
1. (a) that (b) from
(c) in (d) has been
  (e) to (f) was
2. (a) the (b) to
(c) a (d) him
  (e) many (f) his
  (g) and (h) had
3. (a) We must stop the cutting down and burning of forests.
(b) Cassowary, a large, flightless bird, has sturdy legs and strong feet.
(c) Science is one of the most important achievements of man.
 3. (a) There are about 3,000 types of minerals.
(b) Each mineral is made from its own special combination of atoms.
(c) Some minerals such as diamonds and rubies are very rare.
2. (a) that (b) to
(c) to (d) than
  (e) have (f) of
  (g) the (h) are
3. (a) At Allahabad the Ganga joins the Jamuna and Saraswati.
(b) Allahabad Sangam has an important place among the Hindu places of pilgrimage.
(c) Then comes Varanasi, which is a very famous city of U.P.
 1. (a) of (b) from
  (c) the (d) in
  (e) and (f) of
 2. (a) an ... the (b) from ... with
(c) accounted ... accounts (d) using ... use
  (e) obtains ... obtained (f) are ... is
  (g) to ... through (h) an ... and
 3. (a) It is caused by differences in air temperature.
  (b) Warm air weighs less than cold air and so it rises.
  (d) Cooler air then rushes in underneath it to take its place creating winds.
 1. (a) became (b) into
  (c) for (d) was
  (e) on (f) was
 2. (a) was ... is (b) dedicate ... dedicated
  (c) a ... the (d) especial ... especially
  (e) to ... of (f) keep ... kept
  (g) into ... in (h) or ... and
 3. (a) A village is free from the din and noise of the city.
(b) There is open and crowdfree atmosphere.
(c) Water, fresh air, vegetables and milk are in plenty in village.
 1. (a) has (b) are
  (c) that (d) and
  (e) are (f) is
 2. (a) and (b) to
  (c) of (d) was
  (e) by (f) the
  (g) was (h) use
 3. (a) I shall never forget those happy days.
(b) People in India speak different languages.
(c) What books did you read in the summer vacation?
1. (a) of (b) is
  (c) which (d) of
(e) to (f) for
2. (a) to (b) of   (c) those (d) in
(e) the (f) give
  (g) of (h) as
3. (a) is placed diseases.
(b) is allowed
(c) is set
Section – A : Reading
1. 1. South America, Nepal and India.
2. A sloth bear measures 4-5 feet long and weighs between 60 to 140 kg.
3. The animal’s back legs are short and the tail is almost invisible.
4. It starts searching for food around night. It takes rest during the day time.
5. It feeds on fruits insects, honey, flowers, root, tubers and dead animal flesh.
6. They squeal, grumble and chatter while looking for food.
7. They feed on breaking their mound and blowing away while ants by the dust.
8. Easily seen
 2. I. 1. Jaipur is a colourful city. One can find here a mixed view of old and traditional touches. The city has colourful markets which offer a large variety of things. It is perfect place to shop for handicrafts, antiques, jewellery, gems, pottery and so on.
2. The famous shopping markets located in the walled city are Amer Road, Bari Chaupar, Chhoto Chaupar, Kishanpol Bazar, Haldiyon Ka Rasta, Maniharon Ka Rasta, Joharii Bazar, Bapu Bazar, etc.
3. The markets located outside the walled city are MI Road, Raja Park, Gaurav Tower, Bhawani Singh Road, Tonk Road, Vaishali, etc.
4. It is exciting experience to visit Jaipur and do shopping there.
  II. 1. Goods that are bought or sold
2. Scanty
3. Lively
4. Assortment
Section – B : Writing & Grammar
10th Sept., 20××
Participate in Excursion
All students of our school are hereby informed that our school is going to organise an excursion on 14th September to the ‘World of Wonder’ Amusement Park, Sector-38A, Noida. In this park you will enjoy the rides of Chart Smashers, Dizzy Dianna, Hippti Hop, Mega Disko and Many more.
The interested students may give their names with ` 500 as transport and food charges to the undersigned latest by 13th September.
Aman Gupta
(People Leader)
4. Monday, 8th August, 20××  8:00 p.m.
  Dear Diary
  The cultural wing of the school organised a Kite Making Competition on the school campus at Arts and Crafts Hall. The students of class VII participated in the competition enthusiastically. They made attractive and colourful kites. The competition was very tough. I also designed beautiful kites and decorated them with bright colours. I took nearly half an hour to prepare that kite. My friends praised me and hoped that I would be given the first prize. The other participants were also

 6. (a) but (b) to
  (c) if (d) to
  (e) Although (f) with
 7. (a) a ... the (b) share ... shares
  (c) to ... with (d) her ... their
  (e) award ... awarded (f) on ... in
  (g) by ... for (h) it ... its
talented and did their best. I got the second position. But I don’t feel disheartened. I am proud of my school that gives ample opportunities to the young to hone their skills.
5. Air Pollution
  By Xyz
  Pollution is a big problem before the world. Today, everything is polluted. The air we breathe in, the water we drink, the earth on which we live are all polluted. Air pollution is the most dangerous form of pollution because we cannot control the air we breathe. The agents of air pollution are numerous. The smoke emitted by the chimneys of mills and factories and diesel smoke from buses, cars, aeroplanes, motorcars and scooters are polluting the air. During winters we see thick smoke all over the city. This causes great health problems, especially breathing trouble. Air pollution is at peak in big cities and metros. Hence, it is the need of the hour to be aware about the bad effects of air pollution. If we don’t check it immediately, we will fall in dangerous situation. We should encourage tree plantation. We should expand green cover. We should also minimise the use of private vehicles.
 8. (a) In a green house the climate is controlled.
(b) The sun’s rays pass through the glass and warm up the inside of the house.
(c) Plants grew well in the warm and moist air of a green house.
Section – A : Reading
1. 1. Global warming means the gradual increase in the average temperature on Earth.
2. Because the amount of greenhouse gases in atmosphere is on increase.
3. Because the Earth is getting hotter and hotter.
4. • Out of the 20 warmest years that we know of, 19  have occurred since 1980.
    •  The three hottest years ever observed have all occurred in the last eight years.
5. Scientists infer that the global warming is not natural. It is not brought on by natural causes..
6. Plastic bags are made of polythene which is a byproduct of oil refining. They take up thousands of years to biodegrade in landfills that emit harmful greenhouse gases. They cause floods by blocking drains.
7. They litter the earth, causing pollution, blocking drains and flooding the streets in heavy rains.
8. It means oil is not going to be available forever.
2. I. 1. Unlike his contemporary scientists Bhabha aimed for the peaceful use of nuclear energy. As a scientist his aim was to further the cause of science to improve human knowledge and lead the country to social and economic prosperity.
  2. •  Bhabha was born in a wealthy Parsi family in Mumbai.
After his return to India in 1940, he started a research unit of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
He was made the Chairman of this commission.
3. Under his expert guidance, the Atomic Energy establishment began functioning and research in nuclear energy gathered momentum in the country.
4. Bhabha was travelling in a plane to attend the ‘Atom for Peace’ conference in 1966. Unfortunately, the plane crashed on his way and he died.
  II. 1. Prosperity
2. Praiseworthy
3. Creative
4. Conference
Section – B : Writing & Grammar
20th Aug., 20××
Lost a Titan Wrist Watch
This is to notify all students of our school that I, Akshita, lost my wrist watch somewhere in the school premises. The watch consists of black leather strap and white dial. One who finds the watch, kindly return it to the undersigned. A suitable reward will be given to the finder.
Akshita Verma
(Head Girl)
 6. (a) an (b) (no missing)
  (c) the (d) that
  (e) in (f) has been
 7. (a) was (b) but
  (c) who (d) given
  (e) on (f) the
  (g) to (h) to
10th Mar., 20××
Found a Wallet
All students of our school are hereby informed that I, Avani, found a wallet in the school canteen. It contains some cash and receipts. So, the rightful owner of the wallet may collect it from me by giving clue about the contents.
Avani Mehra
Class VII-B
 5. Bus Accident on the Way to Manali
  Our class was going on a pleasure trip to Manali. The bus was fully packed. When it left Delhi, it gathered speed. We had hardly gone one or two kilometers that our bus collided with a truck coming speedily from the opposite direction. The bus driver tried to steer the bus to the left but failed due to high speed and made a head-oncollision with the truck. Everyone in the bus got a jolt. We cried at our highest pitch for help. There gathered a huge crowd in a few moments. Some of us had bleeding injuries. I also suffered a lot of bruises. The body of the bus was badly smashed. So was the condition of the truck. The drivers of both the vehicles were also injured. Luckily an ambulance arrived soon. It took all the injured to a nearby hospital. It was a bad day indeed. But there was no casualty. We all thanked God for this kindness.
  Moral: Speed is good but overspeed is bad.
 8. (a) Yoga exercise is to control the body and mind.
(b) Various tendencies are affected by the body and the mind.
(c) Some tendencies like the hunger, thirst, etc. are bodes requirement.
Section – A : Reading
1. 1. An earthquake is a trembling or vibration of the earth’s surface. It occurs when one rock mass in the earth’s crust rubs on another with great force and friction.
2. The different types of wave motions are — the primary wave motion, the secondary wave motions (crosswise) and the long wave motions.
3. The long wave motions cause damage during the earthquake. These waves move more slowly but they have a larger motion and therefore they cause damage.
4. • Seismograph.
    • The earth’s crust is never still.
5. The record sheets of two or more seismographs help seismologists to see where the quake took place.
6. A seismograph remains still when an earthquake shakes the surrounding parts of the instrument.
7. The chart is located underneath the weight. When it moves, a record is made on it by the weight.
8. The various things indicated by record sheets are — the time the wave arrives, the force of the motion and the direction from which the wave comes.
 2. I. 1. The author wishes to visit India because he has come to know many interesting things about the country. He first got interested in India when read a very interesting novel which described life in an Indian city.
2. He came to know from these friends that India has a completely different way of life from that of any European countries.
3. If he got a chance to visit the country he would like to know how the people live there and what they think. He would like to understand the Indians’ way of life.
4. He opines that the problems such as shortage of food, increase in population and the need for industrialisation can be seen almost everywhere in the world. Not only India but most countries of the world are facing these problems. In the end, he expresses his wish to see beautiful places of India.
  II. 1. (a) gave
2. (a) plenty
3. (c) take action about
4. (d) extraordinary
Section – B : Writing & Grammar
15th Sept., 20××
Enjoy Inter-school Kabaddi Competition
The students of our school are hereby informed that our school is going to organise an Interschool Kabaddi Competition in the school playground on 20th September. RMS Public School, Diamond Public School, and our school will be the participants in the the competition. So all students are requested to be present on 20th September at the school playground to cheer up our Kabaddi players.
Arjun Kapoor
(Sports Captain)
 4. D-79, Vasant Kunj  New Delhi
  10th August, 20××
  The Editor
  The Hindustan Times  New Delhi
  Subject:  Plight of a public library and need of its renovation
  Library is an important asset of society. It is a centre of learning. It provides newspaper, magazines, rare books to all those who cannot afford to purchase. Hence every library on the earth must be in a good condition and has plenty of books. But the condition of the library in our locality is very poor. Chairs, benches, tables, almirahs, etc. are all damaged. Books are not arranged properly and catalogued. The building needs repair. Its leaking roofs cause damage to the books. I have been writing to the local authorities about it but no action has been taken so far. Therefore, I want to publicise this issue through your esteemed journal. I have full faith that once this letter gets coverage in your newspaper, the local authorities will definitely come forward and do the needful.
  Thank you
  Yours sincerely  Suraj
5. 12th February, 20××
  B-10, Sector-69  Noida, U.P.
  Dear Papa
  We are fine here and hope you are also sailing in the same boat. Papa as you know my annual examination is at hand and hence I have to pay my annual examination fee. I discussed it with my mother, but she replied that at this time, her hand is empty. The last date to pay the annual examination fee is 28th February.
  So kindly deposit ` 12,000 in my bank account at the earliest. My bank account details are as follows:
  A/C No. 5029624928005
  Bank Bank of India
    A-558, Ansari Road
    New Delhi-110002
  IFSC Code BKI502922
  I hope I will receive the amount before the due date of the annual examination fee.
  Yours lovingly
  Sanjana Saxena
6. (a) of (b) of
(c) for (d) is
  (e) was (f) but
7. (a) are (b) the
(c) have (d) by
8. (a) Marsupials are the animals of a separate order.
(b) Young marsupials are tiny and helpless when they are born.
(c) They live and are fed in a pouch on their mother’s body.
Section – A : Reading  1. 1. Puri is famous for the Jagannath Temple.
2. The Lingaraj Temple. Its height is 54m.
3. So that the non-Hindu may be able to look at the temple walls with their rich decorative sculptures.
4. This temple is famous for the Panchatantra stone relics on its entrance arch.
5. The beach at Puri is fine for a short walk or a dip in the ocean at dawn or sunset when the water is at its best.
6. Lush green fields between sleepy villages and shrines of tribal gods.
7. It is propped up by 24 magnificient / stone-carved wheels, pulled by seven powerful horses.
8. Shanty
 2. I. 1. He was a famous French painter belonging to the 19th century. It was Eugene Boudin (himself an artist) who became his mentor and introduced Monet to painting outdoors.
2. He became a professional artist at the age of 19 in 1859. His painting sought to portray nature as it appeared to him. It also showed how light affects the way that we perceive colour in his famous series of works.
3. He painted the cathedral in Rome, France, at several different times day, showing how changes in natural light make the cathedral appear to change colour.
4. In these paintings Monet used the landscape merely a starting point, creating abstract fields of vibrant colour These paintings relied on broad, thick brushstrokes. The texture of these brushstrokes gave the canvases a rough quality in contrast of with the smooth canvases that traditional artists produced.
  II. 1. (d) a trusted adviser
2. (a) general
3. (d) rough
4. (b) adjective
Section – B : Writing & Grammar
20th Feb., 20××
Return Library Books
All students and teachers of our school are hereby requested to return the library books that you have borrowed latest by the 10th March to the undersigned as from 12th March, annual examinations will start. Ones who will not return the library books by the stipulated date, will be charged ` 20 per day after the due date as a penalty.
Karan Singh
 4. Internet cannot Replace a Classroom Teacher
  (For the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Saurabh, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘Internet cannot Replace a Classroom Teacher’. There is no denying the fact that the use of internet as a tool to enhance knowledge has increased dramatically. We can now master a foreign language or complete a whole degree without leaving the comfort of our sofa. But internet cannot be a substitute for a classroom teacher. Different students have different levels of understanding but on internet the explanation of a point is the same and many students are not able to understand any topic or point. On the contrary, the same point is taught in different ways by the classroom teacher to make the students understand any point precisely.
  Moreover, a classroom teacher understands each and every student’s capability and drawback, and accordingly he/she deals with them which completely lacks in online learning. So it would not be an exaggeration to say that a classroom teacher is a person who understands his students’ emotion and problems and accordingly he/she teaches them.
  Thank you
  (Against the Motion)
  Good morning respected judges, principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Sneha, stand before you to speak against the motion ‘Internet cannot Replace a Classroom Teacher’. In my opinion, the internet can replace a classroom teacher. It can teach student better than a classroom teacher can do. There are a number of detailed explanations on any topic or point available on the internet and students get chance to read them which gives them in-depth knowledge of any topic. A classroom teacher often does not explain a topic beyond the textual matter which can be read by students too. Besides, teacher cannot always be with students whereas the students can access internet anywhere and anytime. We do not have to waste any time in commuting to and from the school. That’s all.
  Thank you
 5. Benefits of Early Rising
  Good morning respected principal, teachers and my dear friends!
 6. (a) an (b) for
  (c) of (d) Every
  (e) many (f) and
 7. (a) brings ... bring (b) but ... and
  (c) that ... who (d) the ... a
  (e) of ... too (f) feed ... feeds
  (g) pinch ... pinches (h) by ... with
  It is an oft saying proverb that “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. Early rising is the secret for a happy life. But early rising alone is not enough. We must go for a morning walk also to have fresh air. Fresh air is the queen of medicines and the beauty of nature is the best of tonics. Besides the music of birds and the smell and colour of flowers energize our mind and body. Thus, keeps our mind and body fit. If we are fit, we can work more proficiently and do not have to spend money on medical treatment. Thus it saves our money.
  Moreover, when we get up early morning, we get sufficient time to do our work. We need not do things in a hurry and whatever we do is done in a proper way.
  Early morning is the best time for study. At this time, our mind receives things very quickly. We understand clearly whatever we read.
  In a nutshell we can say that if we want to rise high in our life, we have to rise early.
  Thank you
 8. (a) His father, Motilal Nehru, was a great lawyer.
(b) He sent his son to England for higher studies at the age of 15.
(c) There he joined the Public School at Harrow.
Section – A : Reading
1. 1. Ratan thought that the new tenant was a smuggler because his looks were villainous.
2. The new tenant possessed only furniture which included a cot, a table, two chairs and a steel almirah. Ratan’s father called the maali to carry the new tenant’s steel almirah.
3. In Flat No. 2A lived Bhaskar and in 4B lived Gopi.
4. Gopi’s drawing room looked beautiful because it had a red carpet, huge sofas and a big TV set.
5. Because he was loner. He had no family and could adjust in a one-room flat.
6. Nilgiri Apartment was located just opposite the new tenant’s Apartment. One-room flats were available there.
7. Ratan seems to be curious. He is willing to know more about the new tenant.
8. Thud
2. I. 1. Many people think that stamps are just slips of paper. They think that the hobby of stampcollecting is just a waste of time, a waste of effort and a waste of money.
   2.  •  Countries print and issue new stamps on the occasions of great events, anniversaries and deaths.
     •  There is a rivalry among stamp-collectors because they want to become the first to collect new stamps.
3. Receiving letters from distant countries and discovering old stamps in the leaves of dusty old books are fascinating. A stamp itself has a fascination of its own. It transports us to the distant lands like the wilds of Congo, the homes of the Arabs and the Sahara desert.
4. The hobby of stamp-collecting enhances our knowledge as we become acknowledged with famous men, writers, scientists, soldiers, etc.
  II. 1. (b) indulgence
2. (c) slowly
3. (a) attraction
4. (b) defeat
Section – B : Writing & Grammar
Lost a Bag
General public are hereby informed that I, Aman Arora, lost my black leather bag which contains ` 2000 and some very important documents while travelling by DTC bus Route No.323 from Noida to South Extension. One who finds it, kindly inform me on the mobile number given below. I will be grateful to him/her. Also the finder will be rewarded with ` 1000.
Aman Arora
D-12, Indirapuram Ghaziabad, U.P.
Mobile Nos. 98××××××××, 99××××××××
4. Friday, 10th September, 20××  9:00 p.m.
  Dear Diary
  Today I am in seventh heaven. For the last few days I was very anxious about the debate. It was doubtful whether I would be able to speak well against the motion or not in front of so many audience. Today when I went to the dais, I felt so nervous that my feet and hands were trembling. But soon I overcame my nervousness and started speaking. To my surprise, when my presentation came to an end, each and every audience clapped their hands and spoke appreciating words like ‘marvellous’, ‘excellent’, ‘mind-blowing’, ‘fantastic’, etc.
I was on cloud nine. The chairman, judges and all teachers also appreciated my views.
  When the debate finished, the chairman came onto the dais to distribute prizes. I was called to receive the first prize! My joy knew no bound. All students offered me congratulations. My principal and teachers blessed me to get the same position in all walks of life. I also want to do so.
5. D-101A, Gali No.6
  Siddharth Vihar   Ghaziabad, U.P.
  18th March, 20××
  The Manager  Garg Watch Co.
  A-101, Preet Vihar  New Delhi
  Subject:  Complaint about faulty wrist watch  Sir
I am very depressed to inform you that the last month I bought a Titan wrist watch, vide cash memo no.10022018/9, dated 10th February, 20××, from your shop which started keeping wrong time. Indeed, I did not expect it from a reputed shop like yours. I bought an expensive watch with an expectation that it will not develop any fault for a few years but it happened opposite. It developed a fault only after one month. By the way, you are requested to replace it immediately as it is under guarantee period.
  Thank you
  Yours sincerely
  Karan Chaudhary
 6. (a) with (b) when
  (c) and (d) to
  (e) in (f) of
7. (a) has ... have
(b) devastated ... devastating
(c) many ... any (d) for ... to
  (e) its ... their (f) into ... in
  (g) while ... when (h) strike ... struck
8. (a) he had planned to go to see Harry Potter that day.
(b) he would also accompany him.   (c) he knew
Section – A : Reading
1. 1. A mummy is a dead body preserved by using chemicals. The Egyptians believed in life after death.
2. Before 3000 B.C. the Egyptians used to bury their dead in a curled-up position in the hot sand of the desert. They used hot sand to preserve the dead bodies.
3. The dead bodies that were preserved in the pyramids and rock tombs got spoiled due to the moisture. So, they developed the art of mummification for safe preservation of bodies in the tombs.
4. These internal organs were preserved separately and placed in four vases. Later they were replaced in the body.
5. Once the dead body was dried, it was bathed, rubbed with resin from pine trees and wrapped in linen clothes.
6. It took about 70 days. The carpenters made the special cases for the mummy.
7. The walls of the tomb were decorated with tints and pictures which told the story of the man’s life.
8. In the end, the Egyptians placed in the tomb all the things that had made the man comfortable in his lifetime.
2. I. 1. His lecture highlighted the super qualities of Rama. He was spoken of kindly even by those who were ill disposed towards him. He had many special qualities that made friend and foe alike, respect him.
   2.  •  The horses that drew the chariot showed their reluctance to go back. Plants withered in this sorrow. Acquatic plants dried up, because
the water had become hot with Rama’s separation.
     •  (i) He had a noble heart.
      (ii) He had concern for others.
3. He asked Sumitra to convey to Dashratha his respects. He asked Kaushalya to take good care of Dashratha. He expressed his wish to see Bharata as the king of Ayodhya. He left message for Bharata that he should be kind to Kaikeyi. These reveal that Rama was a superman with all the super qualities.
4. •  Dashrath could not bear Rama’s separation and died.
     •  Bharata was shocked at the ugly development of the events. He held Kaikeyi responsible for Rama’s exile. He expressed his deep anguish for his mother (Kaikeyi) and told that she had committed unforgivable sins and therefore no one else but she would have been banished.
  II. 1. (c) willing
2. (c) adjective
3. (b) nobility
4. (a) desired a thing belonging to another.
Section – B : Writing & Grammar
10th Sept., 20××
Participate in Visit to Chota Imambara
The students of our school are hereby informed that our school is organising a visit to Chota Imambara on 14th September, 20××. The interested students may give their names with ` 500 as transport and food expenses and permission letter from their parents. We will go there by AC buses. For more information, please contact the undersigned.
Rajiv Dixit
4. Date : 30th May, 20××
To :
From :
Subject : Enquiry about a short term computer course
The Manager
Shivam Computer
I am a student of Class VII. My summer vacation starts from 1st June and our school will reopen on 10th July. During this period, I want to do a short term computer course.
Your computer institute is one of the best institutes and I wish to do the course from your institute. So kindly send the following details to me at the earliest at the above mentioned e-mail:
List of short term courses
Fee structure
No. of students in each batch
Hoping your immediate response.
Yours sincerely
Tarun Agarwal
5. The Usefulness of Yoga
  Good morning respected principal, teachers and my dear friends!
  I, Sanjana, am going to deliver my speech on ‘The Usefulness of Yoga’. There are many advantages of practising yoga. It improves our flexibility, builds muscles strengthens and perfects our posture. It also maintains the level of our blood pressure. One who practises yoga regularly has less or no chance to have blood sugar problem. Besides, it maintains our nervous system, releases tension, helps us sleep deeper and boosts our immune system. Also, it gives our lungs room to breathe, improves digestive problems, gives up peace of mind and inner strength. It is very difficult to enumerate all advantages of yoga exercise during this short periods but in my opinion, one who practises yoga regularly, will always remain physically as well as mentally fit. So let’s pledge to start practising yoga right from tomorrow if not started earlier.
  Thank you
6. (a) of (b) with
(c) about
7. (a) to ... in (b) comes ... came
(c) while ... when (d) into ... in
  (e) used ... use (f) gaining ... gained
  (g) to ... of (h) was ... is
8. (a) He said that he was very sorry for the mistake.
(b) The teacher said that the earth revolves round the sun.
(c) Priti said that her father would come that day.

1. (i) invisible (ii) unexpected
(iii) untie (iv) incredible
(v) incapable (vi) uncovered
(vii) inaudible (viii) inattentive
(ix) unbalanced (x) unaware
 2. (i) Gora is a novel written by Rabindranath Tagore, set in Calcutta in the 1880s during the British Raj. It is the fifth in order of writing and the longest of Tagore’s twelve novels. It is rich in philosophical debate on politics and religion. Other themes include liberation, universalism, brotherhood, gender, feminism, caste, class, tradition versus modernity, urban elite versus rural peasants, colonial rule, nationalism and the Brahmo Samaj.
(ii) The God of Small Things (1996) is the debut novel of Indian writer Arundhati Roy. It is a story about the childhood experiences of fraternal twins whose lives are destroyed by the ‘Love Laws” that lay down “who should be loved, and how. And how much”. The book explores how the small things affect people’s behavior and their lives. It won the Booker Prize in 1997.
(iii) Interpreter of Maladies is a book collection of nine short stories by Indian American author Jhumpa Lahiri published in 1999. It won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award in the year 2000 and has sold over 15 million copies worldwide. It was also chosen as The New Yorker’s Best Debut of the Year and is on Oprah Winfrey’s Top Ten Book List.
   The stories are about the lives of Indians and Indian Americans who are caught between their roots and the “New World”.
(iv) Flood of Fire is a novel by Indian novelist Amitav Ghosh in 2005. The novel is the final installment of the Ibis trilogy, which concerns the 19thcentury opium trade between India and China. The book was first published by the English publisher John Murray, and later by Farrar, Straus and Giroux in the United States. The novel was shortlisted for The Hindu Literary Prize and received the Crossword Book Jury Award in Fiction in 2015.
(v) The Blue Umbrella is a novel written by Ruskin Bond in 1980. It was adapted into 2005 Hindi film by the same name, directed by Vishal Bhardwaj,

which later won the National Film Award for Best Children’s Film
(vi) The Inheritance of Loss is the second novel by Indian author Kiran Desai. It was first published in 2006. It won a number of awards, including the Man Booker Prize for that year, the National Book Critics Circle Fiction Award in 2007, and the 2006 Vodafone Crossword Book Award.
(vii) The White Tiger is the debut novel by Indian author Aravind Adiga. It was first published in 2008 and won the 40th Man Booker Prize in the same year. The novel provides a darkly humorous perspective of India’s class struggle in a globalized world as told through a retrospective narration from Balram Halwai, a village boy. In detailing Balram’s journey first to Delhi, where he works as a chauffeur to a rich landlord, and then to Bangalore, the place to which he flees after killing his master and stealing his money, the novel examines issues of religion, caste, loyalty, corruption and poverty in India. Ultimately, Balram transcends his sweet-maker caste and becomes a successful entrepreneur, establishing his own taxi service. In a nation proudly shedding a history of poverty and underdevelopment, he represents, as he himself says, “tomorrow”.
 ( viii) Fasting, Feasting is a novel written by Indian writer Anita Desai. It was first published in 1999 in Great Britain by Chatto and Windus. It was shortlisted for the Booker Prize for fiction in 1999.
3. Our school is planning to visit Rajasthan on 20th September, 20××. There we will learn a lot about historical personalities and structures. Rajasthan is located on the north western side of India. It shares a border with the Pakistan provinces of Punjab to the Northwest and Sindh to the West, along with the SutlejIndus river valley.
  Rana Hammir Singh, Rana Kumbha, Rana Sanga, Maharana Pratap and Rana Amar Singh are some of the important historical personalities of Rajasthan.
  Maharana Pratap of Mewar resisted Akbar to the famous Battle of Haldighati in 1576. The Gurjar Pratihar Empire acted as a barrier for Arab invaders from the 8th to the 11th century. So we are sure that we will gain a lot of knowledge about important historical structures and personalities as we will have a guide with us.
4. (i) Boat — a vehicle moved by oars on water
   Ship — a large boat that carries people and goods by sea
(ii) Hurricane — a violent storm with very strong winds
   Cyclone — a violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in circle
(iii) Waive — give up, abandon
  Wave — a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea, ocean, etc.
(iv) Sea is smaller than ocean and is usually located where the land and ocean meet
(v) Piece — one of the parts that something is breaks into or made of
  Peace — calm
1. 1. Width (across); Wizard (down)
2. Professionals 3. Primitive
  4. Prove 5. Sarojini Naidu
  6. Obituary 7. Arrival  8. Dramatist 9 Toes
W I D T H 2
Z 3
P 4
S A R 6
O J I N I N 7
A I 8
2. Do it yourself.
3. (i) As usual today I went for a morning walk.
(ii) Ramesh met with a car accident and got seriously injured. When Sohan came to know it, he became happy at heart but he shed crocodile tears in front of Ramesh.
(iii) In a nutshell, money is next to God.
(iv) In a hurry, he reached the airport forgetting to take his air ticket with him.
(v) We will have a party on the 31st December on the eve of new year.
 1. (a) Autobiography (b) Biography
  (c) Catalogue (d) Dialogue
  (e) Encyclopaedia (f) Memoir
  (g) Caption (h) Philately
  (i) Dictionary (j) Review

SuBject enRichment ActivitieS

 3. (i) Eatable (ii) Illegal
  (iii) Moral (iv) Literate
  (v) Fatal (vi) Century
  (vii) Panacea (viii) Logic

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